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5.3: Every Object Is an Instance of a Class

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    Every object has a class; you can find out which by sending it the message class.

    1 class                → SmallInteger
    20 factorial class     → LargePositiveInteger
    'hello' class          → ByteString
    #(1 2 3) class         → Array
    (4@5) class            → Point
    Object new class       → Object

    A class defines the structure of its instances via instance variables, and the behavior of its instances via methods. Each method has a name, called its selector, which is unique within the class.

    Since classes are objects, and every object is an instance of a class, it follows that classes must also be instances of classes. A class whose instances are classes is called a metaclass. Whenever you create a class, the system automatically creates a metaclass for you. The metaclass defines the structure and behavior of the class that is its instance. 99% of the time you will not need to think about metaclasses, and may happily ignore them. (We will have a closer look at metaclasses in Chapter 12.)

    Instance variables

    Instance variables in Smalltalk are private to the instance itself. This is in contrast to Java and C++, which allow instance variables (also known as “fields” or “member variables”) to be accessed by any other instance that happens to be of the same class. We say that the encapsulation boundary of objects in Java and C++ is the class, whereas in Smalltalk it is the instance.

    In Smalltalk, two instances of the same class cannot access each other’s instance variables unless the class defines “accessor methods”. There is no language syntax that provides direct access to the instance variables of any other object. (Actually, a mechanism called reflection does provide a way to ask another object for the values of its instance variables; meta-programming is intended for writing tools like the object inspector, whose sole purpose is to look inside other objects.)

    Instance variables can be accessed by name in any of the instance methods of the class that defines them, and also in the methods defined in its subclasses. This means that Smalltalk instance variables are similar to protected variables in C++ and Java. However, we prefer to say that they are private, because it is considered bad style in Smalltalk to access an instance variable directly from a subclass.


    Method Point\(\gg\)dist: (Code \(\PageIndex{1}\)) computes the distance between the receiver and another point. The instance variables x and y of the receiver are accessed directly by the method body. However, the instance variables of the other point must be accessed by sending it the messages x and y.

    Code \(\PageIndex{1}\) (Squeak): The Distance Between Two Points

    Point»dist: aPoint
        "Answer the distance between aPoint and the receiver."
        | dx dy |
        dx := aPoint x - x.
        dy := aPoint y - y.
        ↑ ((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) sqrt
        1@1 dist: 4@5 → 5.0

    The key reason to prefer instance-based encapsulation to class-based encapsulation is that it enables different implementations of the same abstraction to coexist. For example, method point\(\gg\)dist:, need not know or care whether the argument aPoint is an instance of the same class as the receiver. The argument object might be represented in polar coordinates, or as a record in a database, or on another computer in a distributed system; as long as it can respond to the messages x and y, the code in Code \(\PageIndex{1}\) will still work.


    All methods are public.1 Methods are grouped into protocols that indicate their intent. Some common protocol names have been established by convention, for example, accessing for all accessor methods, and initialization for establishing a consistent initial state for the object. The protocol private is sometimes used to group methods that should not be seen from outside. Nothing, however, prevents you from sending a message that is implemented by such a “private” method.

    Methods can access all instance variables of the object. Some Smalltalk developers prefer to access instance variables only through accessors. This practice has some value, but it also clutters the interface of your classes, and worse, exposes private state to the world.

    The instance side and the class side

    Since classes are objects, they can have their own instance variables and their own methods. We call these class instance variables and class methods, but they are really no different from ordinary instance variables and methods: class instance variables are just instance variables defined by a metaclass, and class methods are just methods defined by a metaclass.

    A class and its metaclass are two separate classes, even though the former is an instance of the latter. However, this is largely irrelevant to you as a programmer: you are concerned with defining the behavior of your objects and the classes that create them.

    For this reason, the browser helps you to browse both class and metaclass as if they were a single thing with two “sides”: the “instance side” and the “class side”, as shown in Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\). Clicking on the instance button browses the class Color, i.e., you browse the methods that are executed when messages are sent to an instance of Color, like the blue color. Pressing the class button browses the class Color class, i.e., you see the methods that will be executed when messages are sent to the class Color itself. For example, Color blue sends the message blue to the class Color. You will therefore find the method blue defined on the class side of Color, not on the instance side.

    aColor := Color blue.  "Class side method blue"
    aColor        → Color blue
    aColor red    → 0.0    "Instance side accessor method red"
    aColor blue   → 1.0    "Instance side accessor method blue"
    Browsing a class and its metaclass.
    Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): Browsing a class and its metaclass.

    You define a class by filling in the template proposed on the instance side. When you accept this template, the system creates not just the class that you defined, but also the corresponding metaclass. You can browse the metaclass by clicking on the class button. The only part of the metaclass creation template that makes sense for you to edit directly is the list of instance variable names.

    Once a class has been created, clicking the instance button lets you edit and browse the methods that will be possessed by instances of that class (and of its subclasses). For example, we can see in Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\) that the method hue is defined on instances of the class Color. In contrast, the class button lets you browse and edit the metaclass (in this case Color class).

    Class methods

    Class methods can be quite useful; browse Color class for some good examples. You will see that there are two kinds of method defined on a class: those that create instances of the class, like Color class\(\gg\)blue and those that perform a utility function, like Color class\(\gg\)showColorCube. This is typical, although you will occasionally find class methods used in other ways.

    It is convenient to place utility methods on the class side because they can be executed without having to create any additional objects first. Indeed, many of them will contain a comment designed to make it easy to execute them.

    \(\bigstar\) Browse method Color class\(\gg\)showColorCube, double-click just inside the quotes on the comment "Color showColorCube" and type CMD–d.

    You will see the effect of executing this method. (Select World ⊳ restore display (r) to undo the effects.)

    For those familiar with Java and C++, class methods may seem similar to static methods. However, the uniformity of Smalltalk means that they are somewhat different: whereas Java static methods are really just statically-resolved procedures, Smalltalk class methods are dynamically-dispatched methods. This means that inheritance, overriding and super-sends work for class methods in Smalltalk, whereas they don’t work for static methods in Java.

    Class instance variables

    With ordinary instance variables, all the instances of a class have the same set of variable names, and the instances of its subclasses inherit those names; however, each instance has its own private set of values. The story is exactly the same with class instance variables: each class has its own private class instance variables. A subclass will inherit those class instance variables, but it has its own private copies of those variables. Just as objects don’t share instance variables, neither do classes and their subclasses share class instance variables.

    You could use a class instance variable called count to keep track of how many instances you create of a given class. However, any subclass would have its own count variable, so subclass instances would be counted separately.

    Example: class instance variables are not shared with subclasses. Suppose we define classes Dog and Hyena, where Hyena inherits the class instance variable count from Dog.

    Code \(\PageIndex{2}\) (Squeak): Dogs and Hyenas

    Object subclass: #Dog
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SBE--CIV'
    Dog class
        instanceVariableNames: 'count'
    Dog subclass: #Hyena
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SBE--CIV'

    Now suppose we define class methods for Dog to initialize its count to 0, and to increment it when new instances are created:

    Code \(\PageIndex{3}\) (Squeak): Keeping Count of New Dogs

    Dog class»initialize
        super initialize.
        count := 0.
    Dog class»new
        count := count +1.
        ↑ super new
    Dog class»count
        ↑ count

    Now when we create a new Dog its count is incremented, and so is that of every Hyena, but they are counted separately:

    Dog initialize.
    Hyena initialize.
    Dog count        → 0
    Hyena count      → 0
    Dog new.
    Dog count        → 1
    Dog new.
    Dog count        → 2
    Hyena new.
    Hyena count      → 1

    Note also that class instance variables are private to a class in exactly the same way that instance variables are private to the instance. Since classes and their instances are different objects, this has the following immediate consequences:

    A class does not have access to the instance variables of its own instances.

    An instance of a class does not have access to the class instance variables of its class.

    For this reason, instance initialization methods must always be defined on the instance side — the class side has no access to instance variables, so cannot initialize them! All that the class can do is to send initialization messages, possibly using accessors, to newly created instances.

    Similarly, instances can only access class instance variables indirectly, by sending accessor messages to their class.

    Java has nothing equivalent to class instance variables. Java and C++ static variables are more like Smalltalk class variables, which we will discuss in Section 5.7: all of the subclasses and all of their instances share the same static variable.

    Example: Defining a Singleton. The Singleton pattern2 provides a typical example of the use of class instance variables and class methods. Imagine that we would like to implement a class WebServer and use the Singleton pattern to ensure that it has only one instance.

    Clicking on the instance button in the browser, we define the class WebServer as follows (Code \(\PageIndex{4}\)).

    Code \(\PageIndex{4}\) (Squeak): A Singleton Class

    Object subclass: #WebServer
        instanceVariableNames: 'sessions'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'Web'

    Then, clicking on the class button, we add the instance variable uniqueInstance to the class side.

    Code \(\PageIndex{5}\) (Squeak): The Class Side of the Singleton Class

    WebServer class
        instanceVariableNames: 'uniqueInstance'

    The consequence of this is that the class WebServer now has another instance variable, in addition to the variables that it inherits, such as superclass and methodDict.

    We can now define a class method named uniqueInstance as shown in Code \(\PageIndex{6}\). This method first checks whether uniqueInstance has been initialized. If it has not, the method creates an instance and assigns it to the class instance variable uniqueInstance. Finally the value of uniqueInstance is returned. Since uniqueInstance is a class instance variable, this method can directly access it.

    Code \(\PageIndex{6}\) (Squeak): uniqueInstance (on the class side)

    WebServer class»uniqueInstance
        uniqueInstance ifNil: [uniqueInstance := self new].
        ↑ uniqueInstance

    The first time that WebServer uniqueInstance is executed, an instance of the class WebServer will be created and assigned to the uniqueInstance variable. The next time, the previously created instance will be returned instead of creating a new one.

    Note that the instance creation code inside the conditional in Code \(\PageIndex{6}\) is written as self new and not as WebServer new. What is the difference? Since the uniqueInstance method is defined in WebServer class, you might think that they were the same. And indeed, until someone creates a subclass of WebServer, they are the same. But suppose that ReliableWebServer is a sub-class of WebServer, and inherits the uniqueInstance method. We would clearly expect ReliableWebServer uniqueInstance to answer a ReliableWebServer:. Using self ensures that this will happen, since it will be bound to the respective class. Note also that WebServer and ReliableWebServer will each have their own class instance variable called uniqueInstance. These two variables will of course have different values.

    1. Well, almost all. In Squeak, methods whose selectors start with the string pvt are private: a pvt message can be sent only to self. However, pvt methods are not used very much.

    2. Sherman R. Alpert, Kyle Brown and Bobby Woolf, The Design Patterns Smalltalk Companion. Addison Wesley, 1998, ISBN 0–201–18462–1.

    This page titled 5.3: Every Object Is an Instance of a Class is shared under a CC BY-SA 3.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Andrew P. Black, Stéphane Ducasse, Oscar Nierstrasz, Damien Pollet via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request.