Because the Wikipedia community has strict rules about sourcing facts to reliable sources, and because authors must adopt a neutral point of view, articles are often the best available introduction to...Because the Wikipedia community has strict rules about sourcing facts to reliable sources, and because authors must adopt a neutral point of view, articles are often the best available introduction to a subject on the web. If you can find a claim expressed in a Wikipedia article, you can almost always follow the footnote on the claim to a reliable source.
For this course it is expected that you write a one page essay on a topic within your engineering discipline (like say something on a transistor). This chapter is a sideline to discuss how to do your ...For this course it is expected that you write a one page essay on a topic within your engineering discipline (like say something on a transistor). This chapter is a sideline to discuss how to do your own investigations in a reliable manner and how to write essays to understand your field of interest.