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21.2: Appendix B - Instruction Set Summary

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    This appendix provides a listing and brief description of the instructions covered in this text. This set of instructions is a subset of the complete instruction set. For a complete listing of the instructions, refer to the references noted in chapter 1.

    22.1 Notation

    The following table summarizes the notational conventions used.

    Operand Notation



    Register operand. The operand must be a register.

    <reg8>, <reg16>,
    <reg32>, <reg64>

    Register operand with specific size requirement. For example, reg8 means a byte sized register (e.g., al, bl, etc.) only and reg32 means a double-word sized register (e.g., eax, ebx, etc.) only.


    Destination operand. The operand may be a register or memory. Since it is a destination operand, the contents will be overwritten with the new result (based on the specific instruction).


    Floating-point destination register operand. The operand must be a floating-point register. Since it is a destination operand, the contents will be overwritten with the new result (based on the specific instruction).


    Source operand. Operand value is unchanged after the instruction.


    Immediate value. May be specified in decimal, hex, octal, or binary.


    Memory location. May be a variable name or an indirect reference (i.e., a memory address).

    <op> or <operand>

    Operand, register or memory.

    <op8>, <op16>,
    <op32>, <op64>

    Operand, register or memory, with specific size requirement. For example, op8 means a byte sized operand only and reg32 means a double-word sized operand only.


    Program label.

    22.2 Data Movement Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic data movement and addressing instructions.



    mov   <dest>, <src>

    Copy source operand to the destination operand.
    Note 1, both operands cannot be memory.
    Note 2, destination operands cannot be an immediate.

    lea   <reg64>, <mem>

    Place address of <mem> into reg64.

    22.3 Data Conversion instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic data conversion instructions.



    movzx   <dest>, <src>
    movzx   <reg16>, <op8>
    movzx   <reg32>, <op8>
    movzx   <reg32>, <op16>
    movzx   <reg64>, <op8>
    movzx   <reg64>, <op16>

    Unsigned widening conversion.
    Note 1, both operands cannot be memory.
    Note 2, destination operands cannot be an immediate.
    Note 3, immediate values not allowed.


    Convert byte in al into word in ax. Note, only works for al to ax register.


    Convert word in ax into double-word in dx:ax. Note, only works for ax to dx:ax registers.


    Convert word in ax into double-word in eax. Note, only works for ax to eax register.


    Convert double-word in eax into quadword in edx:eax.
    Note, only works for eax to edx:eax registers.


    Convert double-word in eax into quadword in rax.
    Note, only works for rax register.


    Convert quadword in rax into word in double- quadword in rdx:rax.
    Note, only works for rax to rdx:rax registers.

    movsx    <dest>, <src>
    movsx    <reg16>, <op8>
    movsx    <reg32>, <op8>
    movsx    <reg32>, <op16>
    movsx    <reg64>, <op8>
    movsx    <reg64>, <op16>
    movsxd   <reg64>, <op32>

    Signed widening conversion (via sign extension).
    Note 1, both operands cannot be memory.
    Note 2, destination operands cannot be an immediate.
    Note 3, immediate values not allowed.

    22.4 Integer Arithmetic Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic integer arithmetic instructions.



    add   <dest>, <src>

    Add two operands, (<dest> + <src>) and place the result in <dest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, both operands cannot be memory.
    Note 2, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    inc   <operand>

    Increment <operand> by 1.
    Note, <operand> cannot be an immediate.

    adc   <dest>, <src>

    Add two operands, (<dest> + <src>) and any


    previous carry (stored in the carry bit in the rFlag register) and place the result in <dest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, both operands cannot be memory.
    Note 2, destination operand cannot be an immediate.


    adc   rcx, qword [dVvar1]
    adc   rax, 42
    sub   <dest>, <src>

    Subtract two operands, (<dest> - <src>) and place the result in <dest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, both operands cannot be memory.
    Note 2, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    dec   <operand>

    Decrement <operand> by 1.
    Note, <operand> cannot be an immediate.

    mul <src>
    mul <op8>
    mul <op16>
    mul <op32>
    mul <op64>

    Multiply A register (al, ax, eax, or rax) times the <src> operand.

    Byte: ax = al * <src>
    Word: dx:ax = ax * <src> Double: edx:eax = eax * <src> Quad: rdx:rax = rax * <src>

    Note, <src> operand cannot be an immediate.

    imul <src>
    imul <dest>, <src/imm32>
    imul <dest>, <src>, <imm32>
    imul <op8>
    imul <op16>
    imul <op32>
    imul <op64>
    imul <reg16>, <op16/imm>
    imul <reg32>, <op32/imm>
    imul <reg64>, <op64/imm>
    imul <reg16>, <op16>, <imm>
    imul <reg32>, <op32>, <imm>
    imul <reg64>, <op64>, <imm>

    Signed multiply instruction.

    For single operand:
    Byte: ax = al * <src>
    Word: dx:ax = ax * <src>
    Double: edx:eax = eax * <src>
    Quad: rdx:rax = rax * <src>

    Note, <src> operand cannot be an immediate. For two operands:

    <reg16> = <reg16> * <op16/imm>
    <reg32> = <reg32> * <op32/imm>
    <reg64> = <reg64> * <op64/imm>


    For three operands:

    <reg16> = <op16> * <imm>
    <reg32> = <op32> * <imm>
    <reg64> = <op64> * <imm>

    div <src>
    div <op8>
    div <op16>
    div <op32>
    div <op64>

    Unsigned divide A/D register (ax, dx:ax, edx:eax, or rdx:rax) by the <src> operand.

    Byte: al = ax / <src>, rem in ah
    Word: ax = dx:ax / <src>, rem in dx
    Double: eax = eax / <src>, rem in edx
    Quad: rax = rax / <src>, rem in rdx

    Note, <src> operand cannot be an immediate.

    idiv <src>
    idiv <op8>
    idiv <op16>
    idiv <op32>
    idiv <op64>

    Signed divide A/D register (ax, dx:ax, edx:eax, or rdx:rax) by the <src> operand.

    Byte: al = ax / <src>, rem in ah
    Word: ax = dx:ax / <src>, rem in dx
    Double: eax = eax / <src>, rem in edx
    Quad: rax = rax / <src>, rem in rdx

    Note, <src> operand cannot be an immediate.

    22.5 Logical, Shift, and Rotate Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic logical, shift, arithmetic shift, and rotate instructions.



    and   <dest>, <src>

    Perform logical AND operation on two operands, (<dest> and <src>) and place the result in <dest> (over-writing previous value). Note 1, both operands cannot be memory. Note 2, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    or   <dest>, <src>

    Perform logical OR operation on two operands, (<dest> || <src>) and place the result in <dest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, both operands cannot be memory.
    Note 2, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    xor   <dest>, <src>

    Perform logical XOR operation on two operands, (<dest> ^ <src>) and place the result in <dest> (over-writing previous value). Note 1, both operands cannot be memory. Note 2, destination operand ca not be an immediate.

    not <op>

    Perform a logical not operation (one's complement on the operand 1's→0's and 0's→1's).
    Note, operand cannot be an immediate.

    shl   <dest>, <imm>
    shl   <dest>, cl

    Perform logical shift left operation on destination operand. Zero fills from right (as needed).
    The <imm> or the value in cl register must be between 1 and 64.
    Note, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    shr   <dest>, <imm>
    shr   <dest>, cl

    Perform logical shift right operation on destination operand. Zero fills from left (as needed).
    The <imm> or the value in cl register must be between 1 and 64.

    Note, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    sal   <dest>, <imm>
    sal   <dest>, cl

    Perform arithmetic shift left operation on destination operand. Zero fills from right (as needed).
    The <imm> or the value in cl register must be between 1 and 64.

    Note, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    sar   <dest>, <imm>
    sar   <dest>, cl

    Perform arithmetic shift right operation on destination operand. Sign fills from left (as needed).
    The <imm> or the value in cl register must be between 1 and 64.

    Note, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    rol   <dest>, <imm>
    rol   <dest>, cl

    Perform rotate left operation on destination operand.
    The <imm> or the value in cl register must be between 1 and 64.

    Note, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    ror   <dest>, <imm>
    ror   <dest>, cl

    Perform rotate right operation on destination operand.
    The <imm> or the value in cl register must be between 1 and 64.

    Note, destination operand cannot be an immediate.

    22.6 Control Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic control instructions.

    Instruction Explanation
    cmp   <op1>, <op2>

    Compare <op1> with <op2>.
    Results are stored in the rFlag register. Note 1, operands are not changed.
    Note 2, both operands cannot be memory. Note 3, <op1> operand cannot be an immediate.

    je <label>

    Based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> == <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    jne <label>

    Based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> != <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    jl <label>

    For signed data, based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> < <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    jle <label>

    For signed data, based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> <= <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    jg <label>

    For signed data, based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> > <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    jge <label>

    For signed data, based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> >= <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    jb <label>

    For unsigned data, based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> < <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    jbe <label>

    For unsigned data, based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> <= <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    ja <label>

    For unsigned data, based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> > <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    jae <label>

    For unsigned data, based on preceding comparison instruction, jump to <label> if <op1> >= <op2>.
    Label must be defined exactly once.

    loop <label>

    Decrement rcx register and jump to <label> if rcx is 0.
    Note, label must be defined exactly once.

    22.7 Stack Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic stack instructions.



    push <op64>

    Push the 64-bit operand on the stack. Adjusts rsp accordingly. Operand is unaltered.

    pop <op64>

    Pop the 64-bit operand from the stack. Adjusts rsp accordingly. The operand may not be an immediate value. Operand is overwritten.

    22.8 Function Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic instructions for implementing function calls.



    call   <funcName>

    Calls a function. Push the 64-bit rip register and jump to the <funcName>.


    Return from a function. Pop the stack into the rip register, effecting a jump to the line after the call.

    22.9 Floating-Point Data Movement Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic instructions for floating-point data movement instructions.



    movss   <dest>, <src>

    Copy 32-bit source operand to the 32-bit destination operand.
    Note 1, both operands cannot be memory. Note 2, operands cannot be an immediate.


    movss    xmm0, dword [x]
    movss    dword [fltVar], xmm1
    movss    xmm3, xmm2
    movsd   <dest>, <src>

    Copy 64-bit source operand to the 64-bit destination operand.
    Note 1, both operands cannot be memory. Note 2, operands cannot be an immediate.


    movsd    xmm0, qword [y]
    movsd    qword [fltdVar], xmm1
    movsd    xmm3, xmm2

    22.10 Floating-Point Data Conversion Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic instructions for floating-point data conversion instructions.



    cvtss2sd   <RXdest>, <src>

    Convert 32-bit floating-point source operand to the 64-bit floating-point destination operand. Note 1, destination operand must be floating- point register.

    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    cvtss2sd    xmm0, dword [fltSVar]
    cvtss2sd    xmm3, eax    
    cvtss2sd    xmm3, xmm2
    cvtsd2ss   <RXdest>, <src>

    Convert 64-bit floating-point source operand to the 32-bit floating-point destination operand. Note 1, destination operand must be floating- point register.

    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    cvtsd2ss    xmm0, qword [fltDVar]
    cvtsd2ss    xmm1, rax
    cvtsd2ss    xmm3, xmm2
    cvtss2si   <reg>, <src>

    Convert 32-bit floating-point source operand to the 32-bit integer destination operand.
    Note 1, destination operand must be register. Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    cvtss2si    xmm1, xmm0
    cvtss2si    eax, xmm0
    cvtss2si    eax, dword [fltSVar]
    cvtsd2si   <reg>, <src>

    Convert 64-bit floating-point source operand to the 32-bit integer destination operand.
    Note 1, destination operand must be register. Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    cvtss2si    xmm1, xmm0
    cvtss2si    eax, xmm0
    cvtss2si    eax, qword [fltDVar]
    cvtsi2ss   <RXdest>, <src>

    Convert 32-bit integer source operand to the 32- bit floating-point destination operand.
    Note 1, destination operand must be floating- point register.

    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    cvtsi2ss   xmm0, eax
    cvtsi2ss   xmm0, dword [fltDVar]
    cvtsi2sd   <RXdest>, <src>

    Convert 32-bit integer source operand to the 64- bit floating-point destination operand.
    Note 1, destination operand must be floating- point register.

    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    cvtsi2sd   xmm0, eax
    cvtsi2sd   xmm0, dword [fltDVar]

    22.11 Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic instructions for floating-point arithmetic instructions.



    addss   <RXdest>, <src>

    Add two 32-bit floating-point operands, (<RXdest> + <src>) and place the result in <RXdest> (over-writing previous value). Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.

    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    addss   xmm0, xmm3
    addss   xmm5, dword [fSVar]
    addsd   <RXdest>, <src>

    Add two 64-bit floating-point operands, (<RXdest> + <src>) and place the result in <RXdest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.
    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    addsd   xmm0, xmm3
    addsd   xmm5, qword [fDVar]
    subss   <RXdest>, <src>

    Subtract two 32-bit floating-point operands, (<RXdest> - <src>) and place the result in <RXdest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.
    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    subss   xmm0, xmm3
    subss   xmm5, dword [fSVar]
    subsd   <RXdest>, <src>

    Subtract two 64-bit floating-point operands, (<RXdest> - <src>) and place the result in <RXdest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.
    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    subsd   xmm0, xmm3
    subsd   xmm5, qword [fDVar]
    mulss   <RXdest>, <src>

    Multiply two 32-bit floating-point operands, (<RXdest> * <src>) and place the result in <RXdest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.
    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    mulss   xmm0, xmm3
    mulss   xmm5, dword [fSVar]
    mulsd   <RXdest>, <src>

    Multiply two 64-bit floating-point operands, (<RXdest> * <src>) and place the result in <RXdest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.
    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    mulsd   xmm0, xmm3
    mulsd   xmm5, qword [fDVar]
    divss   <RXdest>, <src>

    Divide two 32-bit floating-point operands, (<RXdest> / <src>) and place the result in <RXdest> (over-writing previous value).
    Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.
    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    divss   xmm0, xmm3
    divss   xmm5, dword [fSVar]
    divsd   <RXdest>, <src>

    Divide two 64-bit floating-point operands, (<RXdest> / <src>) and place the result in <RXdest> (over-writing previous value). Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.

    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    divsd   xmm0, xmm3
    divsd   xmm5, qword [fDVar]
    sqrtss   <RXdest>, <src>

    Take the square root of the 32-bit floating- point source operand and place the result in destination operand (over-writing previous value).

    Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.
    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    sqrtss   xmm0, xmm3
    sqrtss   xmm7, dword [fSVar]
    sqrtsd   <RXdest>, <src>

    Take the square root of the 64-bit floating- point source operand and place the result in destination operand (over-writing previous value).

    Note 1, destination operands must be a floating-point register.
    Note 2, source operand cannot be an immediate.


    sqrtsd   xmm0, xmm3
    sqrtsd   xmm7, qword [fDVar]

    22.12 Floating-Point Control Instructions

    Below is a summary of the basic instructions for floating-point control instructions.



    ucomiss   <RXsrc>, <src>

    Compare two 32-bit floating-point operands, (<RXsrc> + <src>). Results are placed in the rFlag register. Neither operand is changed. Note 1, <RXsrc> operands must be a floating- point register.
    Note 2, source operand may be a floating-point register or memory, but not be an immediate.


    ucomiss   xmm0, xmm3
    ucomiss   xmm5, dword [fSVar]
    ucomisd   <RXsrc>, <src>

    Compare two 64-bit floating-point operands, (<RXsrc> + <src>). Results are placed in the rFlag register. Neither operand is changed. Note 1, <RXsrc> operands must be a floating- point register.
    Note 2, source operand may be a floating-point register or memory, but not be an immediate.


    ucomisd   xmm0, xmm3
    ucomisd   xmm5, dword [fSVar]

    21.2: Appendix B - Instruction Set Summary is shared under a not declared license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.

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