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  • https://eng.libretexts.org/Courses/Delta_College/Introduction_to_Information_Systems/13%3A_Information_systems_-_Future_Trends/13.01%3A_Future_Trends_in_Information_Systems
    Information systems have evolved at a rapid pace ever since their introduction in the 1950s. Today, devices that we can hold in one hand are more powerful than the computers used to land a man on the ...Information systems have evolved at a rapid pace ever since their introduction in the 1950s. Today, devices that we can hold in one hand are more powerful than the computers used to land a man on the moon. The Internet has made the entire world accessible to us, allowing us to communicate and collaborate with each other like never before.
  • https://eng.libretexts.org/Courses/Prince_Georges_Community_College/INT_1010%3A_Concepts_in_Computing/12%3A_Information_Systems_for_Business/12.13%3A_Future_Trends_in_Information_Systems
    Information systems have evolved at a rapid pace ever since their introduction in the 1950s. Today, devices that we can hold in one hand are more powerful than the computers used to land a man on the ...Information systems have evolved at a rapid pace ever since their introduction in the 1950s. Today, devices that we can hold in one hand are more powerful than the computers used to land a man on the moon. The Internet has made the entire world accessible to us, allowing us to communicate and collaborate with each other like never before.
  • https://eng.libretexts.org/Sandboxes/pbmac/Information_Systems_for_Business/13%3A_Future_Trends_in_Information_Systems
    Information systems have evolved at a rapid pace ever since their introduction in the 1950s. Today, devices that we can hold in one hand are more powerful than the computers used to land a man on the ...Information systems have evolved at a rapid pace ever since their introduction in the 1950s. Today, devices that we can hold in one hand are more powerful than the computers used to land a man on the moon. The Internet has made the entire world accessible to us, allowing us to communicate and collaborate with each other like never before.

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