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3.4: All-Or-Nothing Atomicity II - Pragmatics

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    Database management applications such as airline reservation systems or banking systems usually require high performance as well as all-or-nothing atomicity, so their designers use streamlined atomicity techniques. The foremost of these techniques sharply separates the reading and writing of data from the failure recovery mechanism. The idea is to minimize the number of storage accesses required for the most common activities (application reads and updates). The trade-off is that the number of storage accesses for rarely-performed activities (failure recovery, which one hopes is actually exercised only occasionally, if at all) may not be minimal. The technique is called logging. Logging is also used for purposes other than atomicity, several of which Sidebar \(\PageIndex{1}\) describes.

    Sidebar \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    The many uses of logs

    A log is an object whose primary usage method is to append a new record. Log implementations normally provide procedures to read entries from oldest to newest or in reverse order, but there is usually not any procedure for modifying previous entries. Logs are used for several quite distinct purposes, and this range of purposes sometimes gets confused in real-world designs and implementations. Here are some of the most common uses for logs:

    1. Atomicity log. If one logs the component actions of an all-or-nothing action, together with sufficient before and after information, then a crash recovery procedure can undo (and thus roll back the effects of) all-or-nothing actions that didn’t get a chance to complete, or finish all-or-nothing actions that committed but that didn’t get a chance to record all of their effects.
    2. Archive log. If the log is kept indefinitely, it becomes a place where old values of data and the sequence of actions taken by the system or its applications can be kept for review. There are many uses for archive information: watching for failure patterns, reviewing the actions of the system preceding and during a security breach, recovery from application-layer mistakes (e.g., a clerk incorrectly deleted an account), historical study, fraud control, and compliance with record-keeping requirements.
    3. Performance log. Most mechanical storage media have much higher performance for sequential access than for random access. Since logs are written sequentially, they are ideally suited to such storage media. It is possible to take advantage of this match to the physical properties of the media by structuring data to be written in the form of a log. When combined with a cache that eliminates most disk reads, a performance log can provide a significant speed-up. As will be seen in the accompanying text, an atomicity log is usually also a performance log.
    4. Durability log. If the log is stored on a non-volatile medium—say magnetic tape—that fails in ways and at times that are independent from the failures of the cell storage medium—which might be magnetic disk, then the copies of data in the log are replicas that can be used as backup in case of damage to the copies of the data in cell storage. This kind of log helps implement durable storage. Any log that uses a non-volatile medium, whether intended for atomicity, archiving or performance, typically also helps support durability.

    It is essential to have these various purposes—all-or-nothing atomicity, archive, performance, and durable storage—distinct in one’s mind when examining or designing a log implementation because they lead to different priorities among design trade-offs. When archive is the goal, low cost of the storage medium is usually more important than quick access because archive logs are large but, in practice, infrequently read. When durable storage is the goal, it may be important to use storage media with different physical properties, so that failure modes will be as independent as possible. When all-or-nothing atomicity or performance is the purpose, minimizing mechanical movement of the storage device becomes a high priority. Because of the competing objectives of different kinds of logs, as a general rule, it is usually a wise move to implement separate, dedicated logs for different functions.

    Atomicity Logs

    The basic idea behind atomicity logging is to combine the all-or-nothing atomicity of journal storage with the speed of cell storage, by having the application twice record every change to data. The application first logs the change in journal storage, and then it installs the change in cell storage\(^*\). One might think that writing data twice must be more expensive than writing it just once into a version history, but the separation permits specialized optimizations that can make the overall system faster.

    The first recording, to journal storage, is optimized for fast writing by creating a single, interleaved version history of all variables, known as a log. The information describing each data update forms a record that the application appends to the end of the log. Since there is only one log, a single pointer to the end of the log is all that is needed to find the place to append the record of a change of any variable in the system. If the log medium is magnetic disk, and the disk is used only for logging, and the disk storage management system allocates sectors contiguously, the disk seek arm will need to move only when a disk cylinder is full, thus eliminating most seek delays. As we will see, recovery does involve scanning the log, which is expensive, but recovery should be a rare event. Using a log is thus an example of following the hint to optimize for the common case.

    The second recording, to cell storage, is optimized to make reading fast: the application installs by simply overwriting the previous cell storage record of that variable. The record kept in cell storage can be thought of as a cache that, for reading, bypasses the effort that would be otherwise be required to locate the latest version in the log. In addition, by not reading from the log the logging disk’s seek arm can remain in position, ready for the next update. The two steps, LOG and INSTALL, become a different implementation of the WRITE_NEW_VALUE interface of Figure \(3.3.6\). Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\) illustrates this two-step implementation.

    An application executes WRITE_NEW_VALUE by both logging the new value at the current end of the journal storage, and installing the new value in a cell of the cell storage. READ_CURRENT_VALUE is executed by only reading from the cell storage.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): Logging for all-or-nothing atomicity. The application performs WRITE_NEW_VALUE by first appending a record of the new value to the log in journal storage, and then installing the new value in cell storage by overwriting. The application performs READ_CURRENT_VALUE by reading just from cell storage.

    The underlying idea is that the log is the authoritative record of the outcome of the action. Cell storage is merely a reference copy; if it is lost, it can be reconstructed from the log. The purpose of installing a copy in cell storage is to make both logging and reading faster. By recording data twice, we obtain high performance in writing, high performance in reading, and all-or-nothing atomicity, all at the same time.

    There are three common logging configurations, shown in Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\). In each of these three configurations, the log resides in non-volatile storage. For the in-memory database, cell storage resides entirely in some volatile storage medium. In the second common configuration, cell storage resides in non-volatile storage along with the log. Finally, high-performance database management systems usually blend the two preceding configurations by implementing a cache for cell storage in a volatile medium, and a potentially independent multilevel memory management algorithm moves data between the cache and non-volatile cell storage.

    In an in-memory database, the application program and cell storage are both in volatile storage while the log is in non-volatile storage. In an ordinary database, the application program is in volatile storage while the log and cell storage are both in non-volatile storage. In both these cases, data flows from the program to the log, and flows in both directions between the program and cell storage as the application reads and installs data. In a high-performance database, the application program and a cache for cell storage are both in volatile storage while the log and cell storage are in non-volatile storage. Data flows from the application to the log, in both directions between the application and the cache, and in both directions between the cache and cell storage.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\): Three common logging configurations. Arrows show data flow as the application reads, logs, and installs data.

    Recording everything twice adds one significant complication to all-or-nothing atomicity because the system can crash between the time a change is logged and the time it is installed. To maintain all-or-nothing atomicity, logging systems follow a protocol that has two fundamental requirements. The first requirement is a constraint on the order of logging and installing. The second requirement is to run an explicit recovery procedure after every crash. (We saw a preview of the strategy of using a recovery procedure in Figure \(3.3.2\), which used a recovery procedure named CHECK_AND_REPAIR.)

    \(^*\) A hardware architect would say "…it graduates the change to cell storage." This text, somewhat arbitrarily, chooses to use the database management term "install."


    Logging Protocols

    There are several kinds of atomicity logs that vary in the order in which things are done and in the details of information logged. However, all of them involve the ordering constraint implied by the numbering of the arrows in Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\). The constraint is a version of the golden rule of atomicity (never modify the only copy), known as the write-ahead-log (WAL) protocol:

    Write-ahead-log Protocol:

    Log the update before installing it.

    The reason is that logging appends, but installing overwrites. If an application violates this protocol by installing an update before logging it and then for some reason must abort, or the system crashes, there is no systematic way to discover the installed update and, if necessary, reverse it. The write-ahead-log protocol ensures that if a crash occurs, a recovery procedure can, by consulting the log, systematically find all completed and intended changes to cell storage and either restore those records to old values or set them to new values, as appropriate to the circumstance.

    The basic element of an atomicity log is the log record. Before an action that is to be all-or-nothing installs a data value, it appends to the end of the log a new record of type CHANGE containing, in the general case, three pieces of information (we will later see special cases that allow omitting item 2 or item 3):

    1. The identity of the all-or-nothing action that is performing the update.
    2. A component action that, if performed, installs the intended value in cell storage. This component action is a kind of an insurance policy in case the system crashes. If the all-or-nothing action commits, but then the system crashes before the action has a chance to perform the install, the recovery procedure can perform the install on behalf of the action. Some systems call this component action the do action, others the redo action. For mnemonic compatibility with item 3, this text calls it the redo action.
    3. A second component action that, if performed, reverses the effect on cell storage of the planned install. This component action is known as the undo action because if, after doing the install, the all-or-nothing action aborts or the system crashes, it may be necessary for the recovery procedure to reverse the effect of (undo) the install.

    An application appends a log record by invoking the lower-layer procedure LOG, which itself must be atomic. The LOG procedure is another example of bootstrapping. Starting with, for example, the ALL_OR_NOTHING_PUT described earlier in this chapter, a log designer creates a generic LOG procedure, and using the LOG procedure an application programmer then can implement all-or-nothing atomicity for any properly designed composite action. 

    As we saw in Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\), LOG and INSTALL are the logging implementation of the WRITE_NEW_VALUE part of the interface of Figure \(3.3.6\), and READ_CURRENT_VALUE is simply a READ from cell storage. We also need a logging implementation of the remaining parts of the Figure \(3.3.6\) interface. The way to implement NEW_ACTION is to log a BEGIN record that contains just the new all-or-nothing action's identity. As the all-or-nothing action proceeds through its pre-commit phase, it logs CHANGE records. To implement COMMIT or ABORT, the all-or-nothing action logs an OUTCOME record that becomes the authoritative indication of the outcome of the all-or-nothing action. The instant that the all-or-nothing action logs the OUTCOME record is its commit point. As an example, Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\) shows our by-now-familiar TRANSFER action implemented with logging.

    The procedure TRANSFER takes the arguments debit_account, credit_account, and amount. It first logs that it has begun a transaction. It reads the value currently in the debit account and writes into the variable dbvalue.old, subtracts the amount being transferred from the value of dbvalue.old, and then writes that difference into the variable The procedure then reads the value currently in the credit account and writes that into the variable crvalue.old, adds the amount being transferred to the value of crvalue.old, and then writes that sum into the variable It then logs a redo action PUT (debit_account, and an undo action PUT(debit_account, dbvalue.old) for the debit account, and logs a redo action PUT (credit_account, and an undo action PUT(debit_account, crvalue.old) for the credit account. The procedure then installs the new values of the debit and credit accounts into the respective accounts, using PUT. If is greater than 0 the procedure commits to the transaction and logs that the outcome is in the COMMIT state; else it logs aborts the transaction and logs that fact. Finally it logs an end to the transaction.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{3}\): An all-or-nothing TRANSFER procedure, implemented with logging.

    Because the log is the authoritative record of the action, the all-or-nothing action can perform installs to cell storage at any convenient time that is consistent with the write-ahead-log protocol, either before or after logging the OUTCOME record. The final step of an action is to log an END record, again containing just the action's identity, to show that the action has completed all of its installs. (Logging all four kinds of activity—BEGIN, CHANGE, OUTCOME, and END—is more general than sometimes necessary. As we will see, some logging systems can combine, e.g., OUTCOME and END, or BEGIN with the first CHANGE.) Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\) shows examples of three log records, two typical CHANGE records of an all-or-nothing TRANSFER action, interleaved with the OUTCOME record of some other, perhaps completely unrelated, all-or-nothing action.

    A section of a log record records three activities. The first activity was of type CHANGE and had action_id 9979; it included the redo action PUT(debit_account, $90) and the undo action PUT(debit_account, $120). The second activity was of type OUTCOME and had action_id 9974, and recorded the outcome status as COMMITTED. The third activity, the most recent of the three, was of type CHANGE and had action_id 9979. It included the redo action PUT(credit_account, $40) and the undo action PUT(credit_account, $10).

    Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\): An example of a section of an atomicity log, showing two CHANGE records for a TRANSFER action that has action_id 9979 and the OUTCOME record of a different all-or-nothing action.

    One consequence of installing results in cell storage is that for an all-or-nothing action to abort it may have to do some clean-up work. Moreover, if the system involuntarily terminates a thread that is in the middle of an all-or-nothing action (because, for example, the thread has gotten into a deadlock or an endless loop) some entity other than the hapless thread must clean things up. If this clean-up step were omitted, the all-or-nothing action could remain pending indefinitely. The system cannot simply ignore indefinitely pending actions because all-or-nothing actions initiated by other threads are likely to want to use the data that the terminated action changed. (This is actually a before-or-after atomicity concern, one of the places where all-or-nothing atomicity and before-or-after atomicity intersect.)

    If the action being aborted did any installs, those installs are still in cell storage, so simply appending to the log an OUTCOME record saying that the action aborted is not enough to make it appear to later observers that the all-or-nothing action did nothing. The solution to this problem is to execute a generic ABORT procedure. The ABORT proce­dure restores to their old values all cell storage variables that the all-or-nothing action installed. The ABORT procedure simply scans the log backwards looking for log entries created by this all-or-nothing action; for each CHANGE record it finds, it performs the logged undo_action , thus restoring the old values in cell storage. The backward search terminates when the ABORT procedure finds that all-or-nothing action's BEGIN record. Figure \(\PageIndex{5}\) illustrates.

    Procedure ABORT takes the argument action_id. Starting at the end of the log and repeating until the beginning, if =, the procedure checks the log record type for that id value. If the type is OUTCOME, it signals that it cannot abort an already completed action. If the type is CHANGE, it performs the undo_action on the log record. If the type is BEGIN, it breaks the repeat. Finally, the procedure logs the OUTCOME of action_id as ABORTED, and logs END for action_id.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{5}\): Generic ABORT procedure for a logging system. The argument action_id identifies the action to be aborted. An atomic action calls this procedure if it decides to abort. In addition, the operating system may call this procedure if it decides to terminate the action—for example, to break a deadlock or because the action is running too long. The LOG procedure must itself be atomic.

    The extra work required to undo cell storage installs when an all-or-nothing action aborts is another example of optimizing for the common case: one expects that most all-or-nothing actions will commit, and that aborted actions should be relatively rare. The extra effort of an occasional roll back of cell storage values will (one hopes) be more than repaid by the more frequent gains in performance on updates, reads, and commits.


    Recovery Procedures

    The write-ahead log protocol is the first of the two required protocol elements of a logging system. The second required protocol element is that, following every system crash, the system must run a recovery procedure before it allows ordinary applications to use the data. The details of the recovery procedure depend on the particular configuration of the journal and cell storage with respect to volatile and non-volatile memory.

    Consider first recovery for the in-memory database of Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\). Since a system crash may corrupt anything that is in volatile memory, including both the state of cell storage and the state of any currently running threads, restarting a crashed system usually begins by resetting all volatile memory. The effect of this reset is to abandon both the cell storage version of the database and any all-or-nothing actions that were in progress at the time of the crash. On the other hand, the log, since it resides on non-volatile journal storage, is unaffected by the crash and should still be intact.

    The simplest recovery procedure performs two passes through the log. On the first pass, it scans the log backward from the last record, so the first evidence it will encounter of each all-or-nothing action is the last record that the all-or-nothing action logged. A backward log scan is sometimes called a LIFO (for last-in, first-out) log review. As the recovery procedure scans backward, it collects in a set the identity and completion status of every all-or-nothing action that logged an OUTCOME record before the crash. These actions, whether committed or aborted, are known as winners.

    When the backward scan is complete the set of winners is also complete, and the recovery procedure begins a forward scan of the log. The reason the forward scan is needed is that restarting after the crash completely reset the cell storage. During the forward scan the recovery procedure performs, in the order found in the log, all of the REDO actions of every winner whose OUTCOME record says that it COMMITTED. Those REDO s reinstall all committed values in cell storage, so at the end of this scan, the recovery procedure has restored cell storage to a desirable state. This state is as if every all-or-nothing action that committed before the crash had run to completion, while every all-or-nothing action that aborted or that was still pending at crash time had never existed. The database system can now open for regular business. Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\) illustrates.

    Procedure RECOVER assigns a value of NULL to the set "winners." Starting at the end of the log and repeating until the beginning, the procedure checks the log record types and adds any recorded action of type OUTCOME to winners. Starting at the beginning of the log and repeating until the end, the procedure then checks the log record types for actions of type CHANGE. For all those actions whose outcome record is located in winners and also has the status COMMITTED, the procedure performs the action's associated redo_action.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\): An idempotent redo-only recovery procedure for an in-memory database. Because RECOVER writes only to volatile storage, if a crash occurs while it is running it is safe to run it again.

    This recovery procedure emphasizes the point that a log can be viewed as an authoritative version of the entire database, sufficient to completely reconstruct the reference copy in cell storage.

    There exist cases for which this recovery procedure may be overkill, when the durability requirement of the data is minimal. For example, the all-or-nothing action may have been to make a group of changes to soft state in volatile storage. If the soft state is completely lost in a crash, there would be no need to redo installs because the definition of soft state is that the application is prepared to construct new soft state following a crash. Put another way, given the options of "all" or "nothing," when the data is all soft state "nothing" is always an appropriate outcome after a crash.

    A critical design property of the recovery procedure is that, if there should be another system crash during recovery, it must still be possible to recover. Moreover, it must be possible for any number of crash-restart cycles to occur without compromising the correctness of the ultimate result. The method is to design the recovery procedure to be idempotent—that is, design it so that if it is interrupted and restarted from the beginning it will produce exactly the same result as if it had run to completion to begin with. With the in-memory database configuration, this goal is an easy one: just make sure that the recovery procedure modifies only volatile storage. Then, if a crash occurs during recovery, the loss of volatile storage automatically restores the state of the system to the way it was when the recovery started, and it is safe to run it again from the beginning. If the recovery procedure ever finishes, the state of the cell storage copy of the database will be correct, no matter how many interruptions and restarts intervened.

    The ABORT procedure similarly needs to be idempotent because if an all-or-nothing action decides to abort and, while running ABORT, some timer expires, the system may decide to terminate and call ABORT for that same all-or-nothing action. The version of abort in Figure \(\PageIndex{5}\) will satisfy this requirement if the individual undo actions are themselves idempotent.


    Other Logging Configurations: Non-Volatile Cell Storage

    Placing cell storage in volatile memory is a sweeping simplification that works well for small and medium-sized databases, but some databases are too large for that to be practical, so the designer finds it necessary to place cell storage on some cheaper, non-volatile storage medium such as magnetic disk, as in the second configuration of Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\). But with a non-volatile storage medium, installs survive system crashes, so the simple recovery procedure used with the in-memory database would have two shortcomings:

    1. If, at the time of the crash, there were some pending all-or-nothing actions that had installed changes, those changes will survive the system crash. The recovery procedure must reverse the effects of those changes, just as if those actions had aborted.
    2. That recovery procedure reinstalls the entire database, even though in this case much of it is probably intact in non-volatile storage. If the database is large enough that it requires non-volatile storage to contain it, the cost of unnecessarily reinstalling it in its entirety at every recovery is likely to be unacceptable.
      In addition, reads and writes to non-volatile cell storage are likely to be slow, so it is nearly always the case that the designer installs a cache in volatile memory, along with a multilevel memory manager, thus moving to the third configuration of Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\). But that addition introduces yet another shortcoming:
    3. In a multilevel memory system, the order in which data is written from volatile levels to non-volatile levels is generally under control of a multilevel memory manager, which may, for example, be running a least-recently-used algorithm. As a result, at the instant of the crash some things that were thought to have been installed may not yet have migrated to the non-volatile memory.

    To postpone consideration of this shortcoming, let us for the moment assume that the multilevel memory manager implements a write-through cache. (Section 3.4.6, below, will return to the case where the cache is not write-through.) With a write-through cache, we can be certain that everything that the application program has installed has been written to non-volatile storage. This assumption temporarily drops the third shortcoming out of our list of concerns and the situation is the same as if we were using the "Ordinary Database" configuration of Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\) with no cache. But we still have to do something about the first two shortcomings, and we also must make sure that the modified recovery procedure is still idempotent. 

    To address the first shortcoming, that the database may contain installs from actions that should be undone, we need to modify the recovery procedure of Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\). As the recovery procedure performs its initial backward scan, rather than looking for winners, it instead collects in a set the identity of those all-or-nothing actions that were still in progress at the time of the crash. The actions in this set are known as losers, and they can include both actions that committed and actions that did not. Losers are easy to identify because the first log record that contains their identity that is encountered in a backward scan will be something other than an END record. To identify the losers, the pseudocode keeps track of which actions logged an END record in an auxiliary list named completeds . When RECOVER comes across a log record belong to an action that is not in completed, it adds that action to the set named losers . In addition, as it scans backwards, whenever the recovery procedure encounters a CHANGE record belonging to a loser, it performs the UNDO action listed in the record. In the course of the LIFO log review, all of the installs performed by losers will thus be rolled back and the state of the cell storage will be as if the all-or-nothing actions of losers had never started. Next, RECOVER performs the forward log scan of the log, performing the redo actions of the all-or-nothing actions that committed, as shown in Figure \(\PageIndex{7}\). Finally, the recovery procedure logs an END record for every all-or-nothing action in the list of losers. This END record transforms the loser into a completed action, thus ensuring that future recoveries will ignore it and not perform its undos again. For future recoveries to ignore aborted losers is not just a performance enhancement, it is essential, to avoid incorrectly undoing updates to those same variables made by future all-or-nothing actions.

    Procedure RECOVER assigns a value of NULL to the sets "completeds" and "losers." Starting at the end of the log and repeating until the beginning, it finds all logged actions of type END and adds them to the set of completeds. All actions that do not have an associated END entry are added to the set of losers, and if they have an entry of type CHANGE, the procedure performs their undo_action. The procedure then reads through the log, working forwards from the beginning to identify all logged actions of type CHANGE and status COMMITTED, and performs the redo_action of these actions. For each log record in the set of losers, the procedure logs END for the corresponding actions.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{7}\): An idempotent undo/redo recovery procedure for a system that performs installs to non-volatile cell memory. In this recovery procedure, losers are all-or-nothing actions that were in progress at the time of the crash.

    As before, the recovery procedure must be idempotent, so that if a crash occurs during recovery the system can just run the recovery procedure again. In addition to the technique used earlier of placing the temporary variables of the recovery procedure in volatile storage, each individual undo action must also be idempotent. For this reason, both redo and undo actions are usually expressed as blind writes. A blind write is a simple overwriting of a data value without reference to its previous value. Because a blind write is inherently idempotent, no matter how many times one repeats it, the result is always the same. Thus, if a crash occurs part way through the logging of END records of losers, immediately rerunning the recovery procedure will still leave the database correct. Any losers that now have END records will be treated as completed on the rerun, but that is OK because the previous attempt of the recovery procedure has already undone their installs.

    As for the second shortcoming, that the recovery procedure unnecessarily redoes every install, even installs not belong to losers, we can significantly simplify (and speed up) recovery by analyzing why we have to redo any installs at all. The reason is that, although the WAL protocol requires logging of changes to occur before install, there is no necessary ordering between commit and install. Until a committed action logs its END record, there is no assurance that any particular install of that action has actually happened yet. On the other hand, any committed action that has logged an END record has completed its installs. The conclusion is that the recovery procedure does not need to redo installs for any committed action that has logged its END record. A useful exercise is to modify the procedure of Figure \(\PageIndex{7}\) to take advantage of that observation.

    It would be even better if the recovery procedure never had to redo any installs. We can arrange for that by placing another requirement on the application: it must perform all of its installs before it logs its OUTCOME record. That requirement, together with the write-through cache, ensures that the installs of every completed all-or-nothing action are safely in non-volatile cell storage and there is thus never a need to perform any redo actions. (It also means that there is no need to log an END record.) The result is that the recovery procedure needs only to undo the installs of losers, and it can skip the entire forward scan, leading to the simpler recovery procedure of Figure \(\PageIndex{8}\). This scheme, because it requires only undos, is sometimes called undo logging or rollback recovery. A property of rollback recovery is that for completed actions, cell storage is just as authoritative as the log. As a result, one can garbage-collect the log, discarding the log records of completed actions. The now much smaller log may then be able to fit in a faster storage medium for which the durability requirement is only that it outlast pending actions.

    The procedure RECOVER assigns values of NULL to the sets "completeds" and "losers." Starting at the end of the log and repeating to the beginning, the procedure checks each action and adds the actions with a record type OUTCOME to the set of completeds. For all actions that are not in completeds, the procedure adds them to the set of losers. If an action in losers has a recorded type CHANGE, the procedure performs the action's associated undo_action. For each action in losers, the procedure logs its OUTCOME status as ABORT.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{8}\): An idempotent undo-only recovery procedure for rollback logging.

    There is an alternative, symmetric constraint used by some logging systems. Rather than requiring that all installs be done before logging the OUTCOME record, one can instead require that all installs be done after recording the OUTCOME record. With this constraint, the set of CHANGE records in the log that belong to that all-or-nothing action become a description of its intentions. If there is a crash before logging an OUTCOME record, we know that no installs have happened, so the recovery never needs to perform any undos. On the other hand, it may have to perform installs for all-or-nothing actions that committed. This scheme is called redo logging or roll-forward recovery. Furthermore, because we are uncertain about which installs actually have taken place, the recovery procedure must perform all logged installs for all-or-nothing actions that did not log an END record. Any all-or-nothing action that logged an END record must have completed all of its installs, so there is no need for the recovery procedure to perform them. The recovery procedure thus reduces to doing installs just for all-or-nothing actions that were interrupted between the logging of their OUTCOME and END records. Recovery with redo logging can thus be quite swift, though it does require both a backward and forward scan of the entire log.

    We can summarize the procedures for atomicity logging as follows:

    • Log to journal storage before installing in cell storage (WAL protocol)
    • If all-or-nothing actions perform all installs to non-volatile storage before logging their OUTCOME record, then recovery needs only to undo the installs of incomplete uncommitted actions. (rollback/undo recovery)
    • If all-or-nothing actions perform no installs to non-volatile storage before logging their OUTCOME record, then recovery needs only to redo the installs of incomplete committed actions. (roll-forward/redo recovery)
    • If all-or-nothing actions are not disciplined about when they do installs to nonvolatile storage, then recovery needs to both redo the installs of incomplete committed actions and undo the installs of incomplete uncommitted ones.

    In addition to reading and updating memory, an all-or-nothing action may also need to send messages, for example, to report its success to the outside world. The action of sending a message is just like any other component action of the all-or-nothing action. To provide all-or-nothing atomicity, message sending can be handled in a way analogous to memory update. That is, log a CHANGE record with a redo action that sends the message. If a crash occurs after the all-or-nothing action commits, the recovery procedure will perform this redo action along with other redo actions that perform installs. In principle, one could also log an undo_action that sends a compensating message ("Please ignore my previous communication!"). However, an all-or-nothing action will usually be careful not to actually send any messages until after the action commits, so roll-forward recovery applies. For this reason, a designer would not normally specify an undo action for a message or for any other action that has outside-world visibility such as printing a receipt, opening a cash drawer, drilling a hole, or firing a missile. 

    Incidentally, although much of the professional literature about database atomicity and recovery uses the terms "winner" and "loser" to describe the recovery procedure, different recovery systems use subtly different definitions for the two sets, depending on the exact logging scheme, so it is a good idea to review those definitions carefully.



    Constraining the order of installs to be all before or all after the logging of the OUTCOME record is not the only thing we could do to speed up recovery. Another technique that can shorten the log scan is to occasionally write some additional information, known as a checkpoint, to non-volatile storage. Although the principle is always the same, the exact information that is placed in a checkpoint varies from one system to another. A checkpoint can include information written either to cell storage or to the log (where it is known as a checkpoint record) or both.

    Suppose, for example, that the logging system maintains in volatile memory a list of identifiers of all-or-nothing actions that have started but have not yet recorded an END record, together with their pending/committed/aborted status, keeping it up to date by observing logging calls. The logging system then occasionally logs this list as a CHECKPOINT record. When a crash occurs sometime later, the recovery procedure begins a LIFO log scan as usual, collecting the sets of completed actions and losers. When it comes to a CHECKPOINT record it can immediately fill out the set of losers by adding those all-or-nothing actions that were listed in the checkpoint that did not later log an END record. This list may include some all-or-nothing actions listed in the CHECKPOINT record as COMMITTED, but that did not log an END record by the time of the crash. Their installs still need to be performed, so they need to be added to the set of losers. The LIFO scan continues, but only until it has found the BEGIN record of every loser.

    With the addition of CHECKPOINT records, the recovery procedure becomes more complex, but is potentially shorter in time and effort:

    1. Do a LIFO scan of the log back to the last CHECKPOINT record, collecting identifiers of losers and undoing all actions they logged.
    2. Complete the list of losers from information in the checkpoint.
    3. Continue the LIFO scan, undoing the actions of losers, until every BEGIN record belonging to every loser has been found.
    4. Perform a forward scan from that point to the end of the log, performing any committed actions belonging to all-or-nothing actions in the list of losers that logged an OUTCOME record with status COMMITTED.

    In systems in which long-running all-or-nothing actions are uncommon, step 3 will typically be quite brief or even empty, greatly shortening recovery. A good exercise is to modify the recovery program of Figure \(\PageIndex{7}\) to accommodate checkpoints.

    Checkpoints are also used with in-memory databases, to provide durability without the need to reprocess the entire log after every system crash. A useful checkpoint procedure for an in-memory database is to make a snapshot of the complete database, writing it to one of two alternating (for all-or-nothing atomicity) dedicated non-volatile storage regions, and then logging a CHECKPOINT record that contains the address of the latest snapshot. Recovery then involves scanning the log back to the most recent CHECKPOINT record, collecting a list of committed all-or-nothing actions, restoring the snapshot described there, and then performing redo actions of those committed actions from the CHECKPOINT record to the end of the log. The main challenge in this scenario is dealing with update activity that is concurrent with the writing of the snapshot. That challenge can be met either by preventing all updates for the duration of the snapshot or by applying more complex before-or-after atomicity techniques such as those described in later sections of this chapter.


    What if the Cache is Not Write-Through? (Advanced Topic)

    Between the log and the write-through cache, the logging configurations just described require two synchronous writes to non-volatile storage for every data update, with attendant delays waiting for the writes to complete. Since the original reason for introducing a log was to increase performance, these two synchronous write delays usually become the system performance bottleneck. Designers who are interested in maximizing performance would prefer to use a cache that is not write-through, so that writes can be deferred until a convenient time when they can be done in batches. Unfortunately, the application then loses control of the order in which things are actually written to nonvolatile storage. Loss of control of order has a significant impact on our all-or-nothing atomicity algorithms, since they require, for correctness, constraints on the order of writes and certainty about which writes have been done.

    The first concern is for the log itself, because the write-ahead log protocol requires that appending a CHANGE record to the log precede the corresponding install in cell storage. One simple way to enforce the WAL protocol is to make just log writes write-through, but allow cell storage writes to occur whenever the cache manager finds it convenient. However, this relaxation means that if the system crashes there is no assurance that any particular install has actually migrated to non-volatile storage. The recovery procedure, assuming the worst, cannot take advantage of checkpoints and must again perform installs starting from the beginning of the log. To avoid that possibility, the usual design response is to flush the cache as part of logging each checkpoint record. Unfortunately, flushing the cache and logging the checkpoint must be done as a before-or-after action to avoid getting tangled with concurrent updates, which creates another design challenge. This challenge is surmountable, but the complexity is increasing.

    Some systems pursue performance even farther. A popular technique is to write the log to a volatile buffer, and force that entire buffer to non-volatile storage only when an all-or-nothing action commits. This strategy allows batching several CHANGE records with the next OUTCOME record in a single synchronous write. Although this step would appear to violate the write-ahead log protocol, that protocol can be restored by making the cache used for cell storage a bit more elaborate; its management algorithm must avoid writing back any install for which the corresponding log record is still in the volatile buffer. The trick is to number each log record in sequence, and tag each record in the cell storage cache with the sequence number of its log record. Whenever the system forces the log, it tells the cache manager the sequence number of the last log record that it wrote, and the cache manager is careful never to write back any cache record that is tagged with a higher log sequence number.

    We have in this section seen some good examples of the law of diminishing returns at work: schemes that improve performance sometimes require significantly increased complexity. Before undertaking any such scheme, it is essential to evaluate carefully how much extra performance one stands to gain.

    This page titled 3.4: All-Or-Nothing Atomicity II - Pragmatics is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Jerome H. Saltzer & M. Frans Kaashoek (MIT OpenCourseWare) .