5.3: Charge Distributions
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In principle, the smallest unit of electric charge that can be isolated is the charge of a single electron, which is ≅−1.60×10−19 C. This is very small, and we rarely deal with electrons one at a time, so it is usually more convenient to describe charge as a quantity that is continuous over some region of space. In particular, it is convenient to describe charge as being distributed in one of three ways: along a curve, over a surface, or within a volume.
Line Charge Distribution
Imagine that charge is distributed along a curve C through space. Let Δq be the total charge along a short segment of the curve, and let Δl be the length of this segment. The line charge density ρl at any point along the curve is defined as ρl≜limΔl→0ΔqΔl=dqdl which has units of C/m. We may then define ρl to be a function of position along the curve, parameterized by l; e.g., ρl(l). Then, the total charge Q along the curve is Q=∫Cρl(l) dl which has units of C. In other words, line charge density integrated over length yields total charge.
Surface Charge Distribution
Imagine that charge is distributed over a surface. Let Δq be the total charge on a small patch on this surface, and let Δs be the area of this patch. The surface charge density ρs at any point on the surface is defined as ρs≜limΔs→0ΔqΔs=dqds which has units of C/m2. Let us define ρs to be a function of position on this surface. Then the total charge over a surface S is Q=∫Sρs ds In other words, surface charge density integrated over a surface yields total charge.
Volume Charge Distribution
Imagine that charge is distributed over a volume. Let Δq be the total charge in a small cell within this volume, and let Δv be the volume of this cell. The volume charge density ρv at any point in the volume is defined as ρv≜limΔv→0ΔqΔv=dqdv which has units of C/m3. Since ρv is a function of position within this volume, the total charge within a volume V is Q=∫Vρv dv In other words, volume charge density integrated over a volume yields total charge.