Dynamic Systems and Control (Dahleh, Dahleh, and Verghese)
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The text addresses dynamic systems, i.e., systems that evolve with time. Typically these systems have inputs and outputs; it is of interest to understand how the input affects the output (or, vice-versa, what inputs should be given to generate a desired output). In particular, we will concentrate on systems that can be modeled by Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), and that satisfy certain linearity and time-invariance conditions. We will analyze the response of these systems to inputs and initial conditions. It is of particular interest to analyze systems obtained as interconnections (e.g., feedback) of two or more other systems. We will learn how to design (control) systems that ensure desirable properties (e.g., stability, performance) of the interconnection with a given dynamic system.
Front Matter
1: Linear Algebra Review
2: Least Squares Estimation
3: Least squares solution of y = < A, x >
4: Matrix Norms and Singular Value Decomposition
5: Matrix Perturbations
6: Dynamic Models
7: State-Space Models
8: Simulation and Realization
9: New Page
10: Discrete-Time Linear State-Space Models
11: Continuous-time linear state-space models
12: Modal decomposition of state-space models
13: Internal (Lyapunov) Stability
14: Internal stability for LTI systems
15: External input-output stability
16: New Page
17: Interconnected systems and feedback- well-posedness, stability, and performance
18: Performance of feedback systems
19: Robust stability in SISO systems
20: Stability Robustness
21: Robust performance and introduction to the structured singular value function
22: Reachability of DT LTI systems
23: New Page
24: Observability
25: Minimal state-space realization
26: Balanced Realization
27: Poles and zeros of MIMO systems
28: Stabilization- state feedback
29: Observers, model-based controllers
30: Minimality and stability of interconnected systems
Back Matter