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Engineering LibreTexts

Topic 02. Forces in 2D

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Topic 2 covers: 1) Describing a force in 2D using Cartesian coordinates; 2) Determining the magnitude and direction of the resultant force in 2D. 

Topic 2 is crucial for ensuring equilibrium of a body when forces are applied in a two-dimensional space (2D).

Extra Sheets at the end are provided to review vectors and essential theorems for right triangle force resolution, including the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry, to help resolve forces using given proportions or angle information.

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Extra Sheet for Vectors

Topic 2. Extra Sheet-Vectors_Page_1.jpg

Topic 2. Extra Sheet-Vectors_Page_2.jpg


Extra Sheet for Essential Theorems for Right Triangle Force Resolution

Topic 2. Extra Sheet-Essential Theorems Right Triangle_Page_1.jpg

Topic 2. Extra Sheet-Essential Theorems Right Triangle_Page_2.jpg

Topic 2. Extra Sheet-Essential Theorems Right Triangle_Page_3.jpg

Topic 2. Extra Sheet-Essential Theorems Right Triangle_Page_4.jpg

Topic 02. Forces in 2D is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by LibreTexts.

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