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  • https://eng.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Civil_Engineering/Book%3A_Fluid_Mechanics_(Bar-Meir)/08%3A_Differential_Analysis/8.6%3A_Boundary_Conditions_and_Driving_Forces/8.6.1_Boundary_Conditions_Categories
    The difference between the small scale and the large scale is that the slip can be neglected in the large scale while the slip cannot be neglected in the small scale. The body forces, in general and g...The difference between the small scale and the large scale is that the slip can be neglected in the large scale while the slip cannot be neglected in the small scale. The body forces, in general and gravity in a particular, are the condition that given on the flow beside the velocity, shear stress (including the surface tension) and the pressure. For example, in the kerosene lamp the burning occurs at the surface of the lamp top and the liquid is at the bottom.
  • https://eng.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Electrical_Engineering/Electro-Optics/Book%3A_Electromagnetics_I_(Ellingson)/05%3A_Electrostatics/5.17%3A_Boundary_Conditions_on_the_Electric_Field_Intensity_(E)
    In homogeneous media, electromagnetic quantities vary smoothly and continuously. At an interface between dissimilar media, however, it is possible for electromagnetic quantities to be discontinuous. T...In homogeneous media, electromagnetic quantities vary smoothly and continuously. At an interface between dissimilar media, however, it is possible for electromagnetic quantities to be discontinuous. These discontinuities can be described mathematically as boundary conditions and used to to constrain solutions for the associated electromagnetic quantities. In this section, we derive boundary conditions on the electric field intensity E .
  • https://eng.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Electrical_Engineering/Electronics/Introduction_to_Nanoelectronics_(Baldo)/02%3A_The_Quantum_Particle_in_a_Box/2.09%3A_Periodic_Boundary_Conditions
    First of all, if the material is big enough (for example, if a quantum wire is long enough), the boundaries will not significantly affect the electron states in the majority of the material. Because t...First of all, if the material is big enough (for example, if a quantum wire is long enough), the boundaries will not significantly affect the electron states in the majority of the material. Because the ring is periodic, only the wavevectors, k = 2\pi n/L give stable states, where L is the perimeter of the ring and n is an integer. Thus, in a conductor where we have applied periodic boundary conditions, the spacing of the allowed k states is determined by the length of conductor.

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