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1.7: A Network System Design Issue - Congestion Control

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    Managing Shared Resources

    In the context of a network, the resource that is shared is a set of communication links and the supporting packet forwarders. The geographically and administratively distributed nature of those components and their users adds delay and complication to resource management. In Section 1.2.2 of this chapter we saw how queues manage the problem that packets may arrive at a packet switch at a time when the outgoing link is already busy transmitting another packet, and Figure \(1.2.6\) showed the way that queues grow with increased utilization of the link. This same phenomenon applies to processor scheduling and supermarket checkout lines: any time there is a shared resource, and the demand for that resource comes from several statistically independent sources, there will be fluctuations in the arrival of load, and thus in the length of the queue and the time spent waiting for service. Whenever the offered load (in the case of a packet switch, that is the rate at which packets arrive and need to be forwarded) is greater than the capacity (the rate at which the switch can forward packets) of a resource for some duration, the resource is overloaded for that time period.

    When sources are statistically independent of one another, occasional overload is inevitable but its significance depends critically on how long it lasts. If the duration is comparable to the service time, which is the typical time for the resource to handle one customer (in a supermarket), one thread (in a processor manager), or one packet (in a packet forwarder), then a queue is simply an orderly way to delay some requests for service until a later time when the offered load drops below the capacity of the resource. Put another way, a queue handles short bursts of too much demand by time-averaging with adjacent periods when there is excess capacity.

    If, on the other hand, overload persists for a time significantly longer than the service time, there begins to develop a risk that the system will fail to meet some specification such as maximum delay or acceptable response time. When this occurs, the resource is said to be congested. Congestion is not a precisely defined concept. The duration of overload that is required to classify a resource as congested is a matter of judgment, and different systems (and observers) will use different thresholds.

    Congestion may be temporary, in which case clever resource management schemes may be able to rescue the situation, or it may be chronic, meaning that the demand for service continually exceeds the capacity of the resource. If the congestion is chronic, the length of the queue will grow without bound until something breaks: the space allocated for the queue may be exceeded, the system may fail completely, or customers may go elsewhere in disgust.

    The stability of the offered load is another factor in the frequency and duration of congestion. When the load on a resource is aggregated from a large number of statistically independent small sources, averaging can reduce the frequency and duration of load peaks. On the other hand, if the load comes from a small number of large sources (even if the sources are independent), the probability that they all demand service at about the same time can be high enough that congestion can be frequent or long-lasting.

    A counter-intuitive concern of shared resource management is that competition for a resource sometimes leads to wasting of that resource. For example, in a grocery store, customers who are tired of waiting in the checkout line may just walk out of the store, leaving filled shopping carts behind. Someone has to put the goods from the abandoned carts back on the shelves. Suppose that one or two of the checkout clerks leave their registers to take care of the accumulating abandoned carts. The rate of sales being rung up drops while they are away from their registers, so the queues at the remaining registers grow longer, causing more people to abandon their carts, and more clerks will have to turn their attention to restocking. Eventually, the clerks will be doing nothing but restocking and the number of sales rung up will drop to zero. This regenerative overload phenomenon is called congestion collapse. Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\) plots the useful work getting done as the offered load increases, for three different cases of resource limitation and waste, including one that illustrates collapse. Congestion collapse is dangerous because it can be self-sustaining. Once temporary congestion induces a collapse, even if the offered load drops back to a level that the resource could handle, the already-induced waste rate can continue to exceed the capacity of the resource, causing it to continue to waste the resource and thus remain congested indefinitely.

    A graph with the y-axis measuring useful work done and the x-axis measuring offered load. A dotted line at a constant y-value represents the capacity of a limited resource. The graph of useful work done vs. the offered load is a linear graph beginning at the origin for an unlimited resource, a graph that begins at the origin and asymptotically approaches the limited resource capacity line for a limited resource with no waste, and a graph that begins at the origin and rises slightly before returning to the x-axis for a congestion collapse. 

    Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): Offered load versus useful work done. The more work offered to an ideal unlimited resource, the more work gets done, as indicated by the 45-degree unlimited resource line. Real resources are limited, but in the case with no waste, useful work asymptotically approaches the capacity of the resource. On the other hand, if overloading the resource also wastes it, useful work can decline when offered load increases, as shown by the congestion collapse line.

    When developing or evaluating a resource management scheme, it is important to keep in mind that you can’t squeeze blood out of a turnip: if a resource is congested, either temporarily or chronically, delays in receiving service are inevitable. The best a management scheme can do is redistribute the total amount of delay among waiting customers. The primary goal of resource management is usually quite simple: to avoid congestion collapse. Occasionally other goals, such as enforcing a policy about who gets delayed, are suggested, but these goals are often hard to define and harder to achieve. (Doling out delays is a tricky business; overall satisfaction may be higher if a resource serves a few customers well and completely discourages the remainder, rather than leaving all equally disappointed.)

    There are two general approaches to managing congestion. Either:

    • increase the capacity of the resource, or
    • reduce the offered load.

    In both cases the goal is to move quickly to a state in which the load is less than the capacity of the resource. When measures are taken to reduce offered load, it is useful to separately identify the intended load, which would have been offered in the absence of control. Of course, in reducing offered load, the amount by which it is reduced doesn’t really go away, it is just deferred to a later time. Reducing offered load acts by averaging periods of overload with periods of excess capacity, just like queuing, but with involvement of the source of the load, and typically over a longer period of time.

    To increase capacity or to reduce offered load it is necessary to provide feedback to one or more control points. A control point is an entity that determines, in the first case, the amount of resource that is available and, in the second, the load being offered. A congestion control system is thus a feedback system, and delay in the feedback path can lead to oscillations in load and in useful work done.

    For example, in a supermarket, a common strategy is for the store manager to watch the queues at the checkout lines; whenever there are more than two or three customers in any line the manager calls for staff elsewhere in the store to drop what they are doing and temporarily take stations as checkout clerks, thereby increasing capacity. In contrast, when you call a customer support telephone line you may hear an automatic response message that says something such as, "Your call is important to us. It will be approximately 21 minutes till we are able to answer it." That message will probably lead some callers to hang up and try again at a different time, thereby decreasing (actually deferring) the offered load. In both the supermarket and the telephone customer service system, it is easy to create oscillations. By the time the fourth supermarket clerk stops stacking dog biscuits and gets to the front of the store, the lines may have vanished, and if too many callers decide to hang up, the customer service representatives may find there is no one left to talk to.

    In the commercial world, the choice between these strategies is a complex trade-off involving economics, physical limitations, reputation, and customer satisfaction. The same thing is true inside a computer system or network.


    Resource Management in Networks

    In a computer network, the shared resources are the communication links and the processing and buffering capacity of the packet forwarders. There are several things that make this resource management problem more difficult than, say, scheduling a processor among competing threads.

    1. There is more than one resource. Even a small number of resources can be used up in an alarmingly large number of different ways, and the mechanisms needed to keep track of the situation can rapidly escalate in complexity. In addition, there can be dynamic interactions among different resources—as one nears capacity it may push back on another, which may push back on yet another, which may push back on the first one. These interactions can create either deadlock or livelock, depending on the details.
    2. It is easy to induce congestion collapse. The usually beneficial independence of the layers of a packet forwarding network contributes to the ease of inducing congestion collapse. As queues for a particular communication link grow, delays grow. When queuing delays become too long, the timers of higher layer protocols begin to expire and trigger retransmissions of the delayed packets. The retransmitted packets join the long queues but, since they are duplicates that will eventually be discarded, they just waste capacity of the link. Designers sometimes suggest that an answer to congestion is to buy more or bigger buffers. As memory gets cheaper, this idea is tempting, but it doesn’t work. To see why, suppose memory is so cheap that a packet forwarder can be equipped with an infinite number of packet buffers. That many buffers can absorb an unlimited amount of overload, but as more buffers are used, the queuing delay grows. At some point the queuing delay exceeds the time-outs of the end-to-end protocols and the end-to-end protocols begin retransmitting packets. The offered load is now larger, perhaps twice as large as it would have been in the absence of congestion, so the queues grow even longer. After a while the retransmissions cause the queues to become long enough that end-to-end protocols retransmit yet again, and packets begin to appear in the queue three times, and then four times, etc. Once this phenomenon begins, it is self-sustaining until the real traffic drops to less than half (or 1/3 or 1/4, depending on how bad things got) of the capacity of the resource. The conclusion is that the infinite buffers did not solve the problem, they made it worse. Instead, it may be better to discard old packets than to let them use up scarce transmission capacity.
    3. There are limited options to expand capacity. In a network there may not be many options to raise capacity to deal with temporary overload. Capacity is generally determined by physical facilities: optical fibers, coaxial cables, wireless spectrum availability, and transceiver technology. Each of these things can be augmented, but not quickly enough to deal with temporary congestion. If the network is mesh-connected, one might consider sending some of the queued packets via an alternate path. That can be a good response, but doing it on a fast enough timescale to overcome temporary congestion requires knowing the instantaneous state of queues throughout the network. Strategies to do that have been tried; they are complex and haven't worked well. It is usually the case that the only realistic strategy is to reduce demand.
    4. The options to reduce load are awkward. The alternative to increasing capacity is to reduce the offered load. Unfortunately, the control point for the offered load is distant and probably administered independently of the congested packet forwarder. As a result, there are at least three problems:
      • The feedback path to a distant control point may be long. By the time the feedback signal gets there the sender may have stopped sending (but all the previously sent packets are still on their way to join the queue) or the congestion may have disappeared and the sender no longer needs to hold back. Worse, if we use the network to send the signal, the delay will be variable, and any congestion on the path back may mean that the signal gets lost. The feedback system must be robust to deal with all these eventualities.
      • The control point (in this case, an end-to-end protocol or application) must be capable of reducing its offered load. Some end-to-end protocols can do this quite easily, but others may not be able to. For example, a stream protocol that is being used to send files can probably reduce its average data rate on short notice. On the other hand, a real-time video transmission protocol may have a commitment to deliver a certain number of bits every second. A single-packet request/response protocol will have no control at all over the way it loads the network; control must be exerted by the application, which means there must be some way of asking the application to cooperate—if it can.
      • The control point must be willing to cooperate. If the congestion is discovered by the network layer of a packet forwarder, but the control point is in the end-to-end layer of a leaf node, there is a good chance these two entities are under the responsibility of different administrations. In that case, obtaining cooperation can be problematic; the administration of the control point may be more interested in keeping its offered load equal to its intended load in the hope of capturing more of the capacity in the face of competition.

    These problems make it hard to see how to apply a central planning approach such as the one that worked in the grocery store. Decentralized schemes seem more promising. Many mechanisms have been devised to try to manage network congestion. Sections 1.7.3 and 1.7.4 describe the design considerations surrounding one set of decentralized mechanisms, similar to the ones that are currently used in the public Internet. These mechanisms are not especially well understood, but they not only seem to work, they have allowed the Internet to operate over an astonishing range of capacity. In fact, the Internet is probably the best existing counterexample of the incommensurate scaling rule. Recall that the rule suggests that a system needs to be redesigned whenever any important parameter changes by a factor of ten. The Internet has increased in scale from a few hundred attachment points to a few hundred million attachment points with only modest adjustments to its underlying design. 


    Cross-layer Cooperation: Feedback

    If the designer can arrange for cross-layer cooperation, then one way to attack congestion would be for the packet forwarder that notices congestion to provide feedback to one or more end-to-end layer sources, and for the end-to-end source to respond by reducing its offered load.

    Several mechanisms have been suggested for providing feedback. One of the first ideas that was tried is for the congested packet forwarder to send a control message, called a source quench, to one or more of the source addresses that seems to be filling the queue. Unfortunately, preparing a control message distracts the packet forwarder at a time when it least needs extra distractions. Moreover, transmitting the control packet adds load to an already-overloaded network. Since the control protocol is best-effort the chance that the control message will itself be discarded increases as the network load increases, so when the network most needs congestion control the control messages are most likely to be lost.

    A second feedback idea is for a packet forwarder that is experiencing congestion to set a flag on each forwarded packet. When the packet arrives at its destination, the end-to-end transport protocol is expected to notice the congestion flag and in the next packet that it sends back it should include a "slow down!" request to alert the other end about the congestion. This technique has the advantage that no extra packets are needed. Instead, all communication is piggybacked on packets that were going to be sent anyway. But the feedback path is even more hazardous than with a source quench—not only does the signal have to first reach the destination, the next response packet of the end-to-end protocol may not go out immediately.

    Both of these feedback ideas would require that the feedback originate at the packet forwarding layer of the network. But it is also possible for congestion to be discovered in the link layer, especially when a link is, recursively, another network. For these reasons, Internet designers converged on a third method of communicating feedback about congestion: a congested packet forwarder just discards a packet. This method does not require interpretation of packet contents and can be implemented simply in any component in any layer that notices congestion. The hope is that the source of that packet will eventually notice a lack of response (or perhaps receive a NAK). This scheme is not a panacea because the end-to-end layer has to assume that every packet loss is caused by congestion, and the speed with which the end-to-end layer responds depends on its timer settings. But it is simple and reliable.

    This scheme leaves a question about which packet to discard. The choice is not obvious; one might prefer to identify the sources that are contributing most to the congestion and signal them, but a congested packet forwarder has better things to do than extensive analysis of its queues. The simplest method, known as tail drop, is to limit the size of the queue; any packet that arrives when the queue is full gets discarded. A better technique (random drop) may be to choose a victim from the queue at random. This approach has the virtue that the sources that are contributing most to the congestion are the most likely to be receive the feedback. One can even make a plausible argument to discard the packet at the front of the queue, on the basis that of all the packets in the queue, the one at the front has been in the network the longest, and thus is the one whose associated timer is most likely to have already expired.

    Another refinement (early drop) is to begin dropping packets before the queue is completely full, in the hope of alerting the source sooner. The goal of early drop is to start reducing the offered load as soon as the possibility of congestion is detected, rather than waiting until congestion is confirmed, so it can be viewed as a strategy of avoidance rather than of recovery. Random drop and early drop are combined in a scheme known as RED, for random early detection.


    Cross-layer Cooperation: Control

    Suppose that the end-to-end protocol implementation learns of a lost packet. What then? One possibility is that it just drives forward, retransmitting the lost packet and continuing to send more data as rapidly as its application supplies it. The end-to-end protocol implementation is in control, and there is nothing compelling it to cooperate. Indeed, it may discover that by sending packets at the greatest rate it can sustain, it will push more data through the congested packet forwarder than it would otherwise. The problem, of course, is that if this is the standard mode of operation of every client, congestion will set in and all clients of the network will suffer, as predicted by the tragedy of the commons (see Sidebar \(\PageIndex{1}\)).

    Sidebar \(\PageIndex{1}\)

    The tragedy of the commons

    "Picture a pasture open to all…As a rational being, each herdsman seeks to maximize his gain…he asks, 'What is the utility to me of adding one more animal to my herd?' This utility has one negative and one positive component…Since the herdsman receives all the proceeds from the sale of the additional animal, the positive utility is nearly \(+1\). Since, however, the effects of overgrazing are shared by all the herdsmen, the negative utility for any particular decision-making herdsman is only a fraction of \(-1\).

    "Adding together the component partial utilities, the rational herdsman concludes that the only sensible course for him to pursue is to add another animal to his herd. And another…. But this is the conclusion reached by each and every rational herdsman sharing a commons. Therein is the tragedy. Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit—in a world that is limited…Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all."

     — Garrett Hardin, Science 162, 3859 (December 13, 1968), pages 1243–1248. Extensions of "the tragedy of the commons". Science 280, 5364 (May 1, 1998), pages 682–683. 

    There are at least two things that the end-to-end protocol can do to cooperate. The first is to be careful about its use of timers, and the second is to pace the rate at which it sends data, a technique known as automatic rate adaptation. Both these things require having an estimate of the round-trip time between the two ends of the protocol. 

    The usual way of detecting a lost packet in a best-effort network is to set a timer to expire after a little more than one round-trip time, and assume that if an acknowledgment has not been received by then the packet is lost. In Section 1.6.2 we introduced timers as a way of ensuring at-least-once delivery via a best-effort network, expecting that lost packets had encountered mishaps such as misrouting, damage in transmission, or an overflowing packet buffer. With congestion management in operation, the dominant reason for timer expiration is probably that either a queue in the network has grown too long or a packet forwarder has intentionally discarded the packet. The designer needs to take this additional consideration into account when choosing a value for a retransmit timer.

    As described in Section 1.6.6, a protocol can develop an estimate of the round trip time by directly measuring it for the first packet exchange and then continuing to update that estimate as additional packets flow back and forth. Then, if congestion develops, queuing delays will increase the observed round-trip times for individual packets, and those observations will increase the round-trip estimate used for setting future retransmit timers. In addition, when a timer does expire, the algorithm for timer setting should use exponential backoff for successive retransmissions of the same packet (exponential backoff was described in Section 1.6.2). It does not matter whether the reason for expiration is that the packet was delayed in a growing queue or it was discarded as part of congestion control. Either way, exponential backoff immediately reduces the retransmission rate, which helps ease the congestion problem. Exponential backoff has been demonstrated to be quite effective as a way to avoid contributing to congestion collapse. Once acknowledgments begin to confirm that packets are actually getting through, the sender can again allow timer settings to be controlled by the round-trip time estimate.

    The second cooperation strategy involves managing the flow control window. Recall from the discussion of flow control in Section 1.6.6 that to keep the flow of data moving as rapidly as possible without overrunning the receiving application, the flow control window and the receiver’s buffer should both be at least as large as the bottleneck data rate multiplied by the round trip time. Anything larger than that will work equally well for end-to-end flow control. Unfortunately, when the bottleneck is a congested link inside the network, a larger than necessary window will simply result in more packets piling up in the queue for that link. The additional cooperation strategy, then, is to ensure that the flow control window is no larger than necessary. Even if the receiver has buffers large enough to justify a larger flow control window, the sender should restrain itself and set the flow control window to the smallest size that keeps the connection running at the data rate that the bottleneck permits. In other words, the sender should force equality in Equation \(1.6.4\).

    Relatively early in the history of the Internet, it was realized (and verified in the field) that congestion collapse was not only a possibility, but that some of the original Internet protocols had unexpectedly strong congestion-inducing properties. Since then, almost all implementations of TCP, the most widely used end-to-end Internet transport protocol, have been significantly modified to reduce the risk, as described in Sidebar \(\PageIndex{2}\).

    While having a widely-deployed, cooperative strategy for controlling congestion reduces both congestion and the chance of congestion collapse, there is one unfortunate consequence: Since every client that cooperates may be offering a load that is less than its intended load, there is no longer any way to estimate the size of that intended load. Intermediate packet forwarders know that if they are regularly discarding some packets, they need more capacity, but they have no clue how much more capacity they really need.

    Sidebar \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    Retrofitting TCP

    The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), probably the most widely used end-to-end transport protocol of the Internet, was designed in 1974. At that time, previous experience was limited to lock-step protocols on networks with no more than a few hundred nodes. As a result, avoiding congestion collapse was not in its list of requirements. About a decade later, when the Internet first began to expand rapidly, this omission was noticed, and a particular collapse-inducing feature of its design drew attention.

    The only form of acknowledgment in the original TCP was "I have received all the bytes up to X." There was no way for a receiver to say, for example, "I am missing bytes Y through Z." In consequence, when a timer expired because some packet or its acknowledgment was lost, as soon as the sender retransmitted that packet the timer of the next packet expired, causing its retransmission. This process would repeat until the next acknowledgment finally returned, a full round trip (and full flow control window) later. On long-haul routes, where flow control windows might be fairly large, if an overloaded packet forwarder responded to congestion by discarding a few packets (each perhaps from a different TCP connection), each discarded packet would trigger retransmission of a window full of packets and the ensuing blizzard of retransmitted packets could immediately induce congestion collapse. In addition, an insufficiently adaptive time-out scheme ensured that the problem would occur frequently.

    By the time this effect was recognized, TCP was widely deployed, so changes to the protocol were severely constrained. The designers found a way to change the implementation without changing the data formats. The goal was to allow new and old implementations to interoperate, so new implementations could gradually replace the old. The new implementation works by having the sender tinker with the size of the flow control window (Warning: this explanation is somewhat oversimplified!):

    1. Slow start. When starting a new connection, send just one packet, and wait for its acknowledgment. Then, for each acknowledged packet, add one to the window size and send two packets. The result is that in each round trip time, the number of packets that the sender dispatches doubles. This doubling procedure continues until one of three things happens: (1) the sender reaches the window size suggested by the receiver, in which case the network is not the bottleneck, and the sender maintains the window at that size; (2) all the available data has been dispatched; or (3) the sender detects that a packet it sent has been discarded, as described in step 2.
    2. Duplicate acknowledgment: The receiving TCP implementation is modified very slightly: whenever it receives an out-of-order packet, it sends back a duplicate of its latest acknowledgment. The idea is that a duplicate acknowledgment can be interpreted by the sender as a negative acknowledgment for the next unacknowledged packet.
    3. Equilibrium: Upon duplicate acknowledgment, the sender retransmits just the first unacknowledged packet and also drops its window size to some fixed fraction (for example, 1/2) of its previous size. From then on it operates in an equilibrium mode in which it continues to watch for duplicate acknowledgments but it also probes gently to see if more capacity might be available. The equilibrium mode has two components:
      • Additive increase: Whenever all of the packets in a round trip time are successfully acknowledged, the sender increases the size of the window by one.
      • Multiplicative decrease: Whenever a duplicate acknowledgment arrives, the sender decreases the size of the window by the fixed fraction.
    4. Restart: If the sender’s retransmission timer expires, self-pacing based on ACKs has been disrupted, perhaps because something in the network has radically changed. So the sender waits a short time to allow things to settle down, and then goes back to slow start, to allow assessment of the new condition of the network.

    By interpreting a duplicate acknowledgment as a negative acknowledgment for a single packet, TCP eliminates the massive retransmission blizzard, and by reinitiating slow start on each timer expiration, it avoids contributing to congestion collapse.

    The figure below illustrates the evolution of the TCP window size with time in the case where the bottleneck is inside the network. TCP begins with one packet and slow start, until it detects the first packet loss. The sender immediately reduces the window size by half and then begins gradually increasing it by one for each round trip time until detecting another lost packet. This sawtooth behavior may continue indefinitely, unless the retransmission timer expires. The sender pauses and then enters another slow start phase, this time switching to additive increase as soon as it reaches the window size it would have used previously, which is half the window size that was in effect before it encountered the latest round of congestion.

    A graph with an x-axis measuring time and a y-axis measuring window size. The right half of an upwards-opening parabola with its base on the y-axis near the origin represents the slow start of TCP; it extends upwards until a duplicate acknowledgement is received. Here the graph drops almost vertically in a multiplicative decrease, then increases linearly (an additive increase) until another duplicate acknowledgement is received and causes another multiplicative decrease. This pattern continues until the timer expires and the sender stops transmitting. After some delay, the sender begins with the slow start and goes through the entire process again.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\): Window size versus time for TCP when a bottleneck is inside the network. After a slow start, a sawtooth pattern of multiplicative decrease and additive increase, prompted by the receipt of duplicate acknowledgements, continues until the timer expires.

    This cooperative scheme has not been systematically analyzed, but it seems to work in practice, even though not all of the traffic on the Internet uses TCP as its end-to-end transport protocol. The long and variable feedback delays that inevitably accompany lost packet detection by the use of duplicate acknowledgments induce oscillations (as evidenced by the sawteeth) but the additive increase—multiplicative decrease algorithms strongly damp those oscillations.

    Exercise 1.11.12 compares slow start with "fast start", another scheme for establishing an initial estimate of the window size. There have been dozens (perhaps hundreds) of other proposals for fixing both real and imaginary, problems in TCP. The interested reader should consult Topic 1.4: Practical Aspects in the Suggestions for Further Reading.


    Other Ways of Controlling Congestion in Networks

    Overprovisioning: Configure each link of the network to have 125% (or 150% or 200%) as much capacity as the offered load at the busiest minute (or five minutes or hour) of the day. This technique works best on interior links of a large network, where no individual client represents more than a tiny fraction of the load. When that is the case, the average load offered by the large number of statistically independent sources is relatively stable and predictable. Internet backbone providers generally use overprovisioning to avoid congestion. The problems with this technique are:

    • Odd events can disrupt statistical independence. An earthquake in California or a hurricane in Florida typically clogs up all the telephone trunks leading to and from the affected state, even if the trunks themselves haven’t been damaged. Everyone tries to place a call at once.
    • Overprovisioning on one link typically just moves the congestion to a different link. So every link in a network must be overprovisioned, and the amount of overprovisioning has to be greater on links that are shared by fewer customers because statistical averaging is not as effective in limiting the duration of load peaks.
    • At the edge of the network, statistical averaging across customers stops working completely. The link to an individual customer may become congested if the customer’s Web service is featured in Newsweek—a phenomenon known as a "flash crowd". Permanently increasing the capacity of that link to handle what is probably a temporary but large overload may not make economic sense.
    • Adaptive behavior of users can interfere with the plan. In Los Angeles, the opening of a new freeway initially provides additional traffic capacity, but new traffic soon appears and absorbs the new capacity, as people realize that they can conveniently live in places that are farther from where they work. Because of this effect, it does not appear to be physically possible to use overprovisioning as a strategy in the freeway system—the load always increases to match (or exceed) the capacity. Anecdotally, similar effects seem to occur in the Internet, although they have not yet been documented.

    Over the life of the Internet there have been major changes in both telecommunications regulation and fiber optic technology that between them have transformed the Internet’s central core from capacity-scarce to capacity-rich. As a result, the locations at which congestion occurs have moved as rapidly as techniques to deal with it have been invented. But so far congestion hasn’t gone away.

    Pricing: Another approach to congestion control is to rearrange the rules so that the interest of an individual client coincides with the interest of the network community and let the invisible hand take over, as explained in Sidebar \(\PageIndex{3}\). Since network resources are just another commodity, it should be possible to use pricing as a congestion control mechanism. The idea is that, if demand for a resource temporarily exceeds its capacity, clients will bid up the price. The increased price will cause some clients to defer their use of the resource until a time when it is cheaper, thereby reducing offered load; it will also induce additional suppliers to provide more capacity. 

    Sidebar \(\PageIndex{3}\)

    The Invisible Hand

    Economics 101: In a free market, buyers have the option of buying a good or walking away, and sellers similarly have the option of offering a good or leaving the market. The higher the price, the more sellers will be attracted to the profit opportunity, and they will collectively thus make additional quantities of the good available. At the same time, the higher the price, the more buyers will balk, and collectively they will reduce their demand for the good. These two effects act to create an equilibrium in which the supply of the good exactly matches the demand for the good. Every buyer is satisfied with the price paid and every seller with the price received. When the market is allowed to set the price, surpluses and shortages are systematically driven out by this equilibrium-seeking mechanism.

    “Every individual necessarily labors to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally indeed neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. He intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it.” \(^*\)

    \(^*\) Adam Smith (1723–1790). The Wealth of Nations 4, Chapter 2. (1776)

    There is a challenge in trying to make pricing mechanisms work on the short timescales associated with network congestion; in addition there is a countervailing need for predictability of costs in the short term that may make the idea unworkable. However, as a long-term strategy, pricing can be quite an effective mechanism to match the supply of network resources with demand. Even in the long term, the invisible hand generally requires that there be minimal barriers to entry by alternate suppliers; this is a hard condition to maintain when installing new communication links involves digging up streets, erecting microwave towers or launching satellites.

    Congestion control in networks is by no means a solved problem—it is an active research area. This discussion has just touched the highlights, and there are many more design considerations and ideas that must be assimilated before one can claim to understand this topic.


    Delay Revisited

    Section 1.2.2 of this chapter identified four sources of delay in networks: propagation delay, processing delay, transmission delay, and queuing delay. Congestion control and flow control both might seem to add a fifth source of delay, in which the sender waits for permission from the receiver to launch a message into the network. In fact this delay is not of a new kind, it is actually an example of a transmission delay arising in a different protocol layer. At the time when we identified the four kinds of delay, we had not yet discussed protocol layers, so this subtlety did not appear. 

    Each protocol layer of a network can impose any or all of the four kinds of delay. For example, what  Section 1.2.2 identified as processing delay is actually composed of processing delay in the link layer (e.g., time spent bit-stuffing and calculating checksums), processing delay in the network layer (e.g., time spent looking up addresses in forwarding tables), and processing delay in the end-to-end layer (e.g., time spent compressing data, dividing a long message into segments and later reassembling it, and encrypting or decrypting message contents).

    Similarly, transmission delay can also arise in each layer. At the link layer, transmission delay is measured from when the first bit of a frame enters a link until the last bit of that same frame enters the link. The length of the frame and the data rate of the link together determine its magnitude. The network layer does not usually impose any additional transmission delays of its own, but in choosing a route (and thus the number of hops) it helps determine the number of link-layer transmission delays. The end-to-end layer imposes an additional transmission delay whenever the pacing effect of either congestion control or flow control causes it to wait for permission to send. The data rate of the bottleneck in the end-to-end path, the round-trip time, and the size of the flow-control window together determine the magnitude of the end-to-end transmission delay. The end-to-end layer may also delay delivering a message to its client when waiting for an out-of-order segment of that message to arrive, and it may delay delivery in order to reduce jitter. These delivery delays are another component of end-to-end transmission delay.

    Any layer that imposes either processing or transmission delays can also cause queuing delays for subsequent packets. The transmission delays of the link layer can thus create queues, where packets wait for the link to become available. The network layer can impose queuing delays if several packets arrive at a router during the time it spends figuring out how to forward a packet. Finally, the end-to-end layer can also queue up packets waiting for flow control or congestion control permission to enter the network.

    Propagation delay might seem to be unique to the link layer, but a careful accounting will reveal small propagation delays contributed by the network and end-to-end layers as messages are moved around inside a router or end-node computer. Because the distances involved in a network link are usually several orders of magnitude larger than those inside a computer, the propagation delays of the network and end-to-end layers can usually be ignored.

    This page titled 1.7: A Network System Design Issue - Congestion Control is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Jerome H. Saltzer & M. Frans Kaashoek (MIT OpenCourseWare) .