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4.5: Reconciliation

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    A typical constraint for replicas is that a majority of them be identical. Unfortunately, various events can cause them to become different: data of a replica can decay, a replicated state machine may experience an error, an update algorithm that has a goal of eventual consistency may be interrupted before it reaches its goal, an administrator of a replica site may modify a file in a way that fails to respect the replication protocol, or a user may want to make an update at a time when some replicas are disconnected from the network. In all of these cases, a need arises for an after-the-fact procedure to discover the differences in the data and to recover consistency. This procedure, called reconciliation, makes the replicas identical again.

    Although reconciliation is a straightforward concept in principle, in practice three things conspire to make it more complicated than one might hope:

    1. For large bodies of data, the most straightforward methods (e.g., compare all the bits) are expensive, so performance enhancements dominate, and complicate, the algorithms.
    2. A system crash during a reconciliation can leave a body of data in worse shape than if no reconciliation had taken place. The reconciliation procedure itself must be resilient against failures and system crashes.
    3. During reconciliation, one may discover conflicts, which are cases where different replicas have been modified in inconsistent ways. And in addition to files decaying, decay may also strike records kept by the reconciliation system itself.

    One way to simplify thinking about reconciliation is to decompose it into two distinct modular components:

    1. Detecting differences among the replicas.
    2. Resolving the differences so that all the replicas become identical. 

    At the outset, every difference represents a potential conflict. Depending on how much the reconciliation algorithm knows about the semantics of the replicas, it may be able to algorithmically resolve many of the differences, leaving a smaller set of harder-to-handle conflicts. The remaining conflicts generally require more understanding of the semantics of the data, and ultimately may require a decision to be made on the part of a person. To illustrate this decomposition, the next section examines one widely-implemented reconciliation application, known as occasionally connected operation, in some detail. 

    Occasionally Connected Operation

    A common application for reconciliation arises when a person has both a desktop computer and a laptop computer, and needs to work with the same files on both computers. The desktop computer is at home or in an office, while the laptop travels from place to place, and because the laptop is often not network-connected, changes made to a file on one of the two computers can not be automatically reflected in the replica of that file on the other. This scenario is called occasionally connected operation. Moreover, while the laptop is disconnected files may change on either the desktop or the laptop (for example, the desktop computer may pick up new incoming mail or do an automatic system update while the owner is traveling with the laptop and editing a report). We are thus dealing with a problem of concurrent update to multiple replicas.

    Recall from the discussion in Section 3.5.3 that there are both pessimistic and optimistic concurrency control methods. Either method can be applied to occasionally connected replicas:

    • Pessimistic: Before disconnecting, identify all of the files that might be needed in work on the laptop computer and mark them as "checked out" on the desktop computer. The file system on the desktop computer then blocks any attempts to modify checked-out files. A pessimistic scheme makes sense if the traveler can predict exactly which files the laptop should check out and it is likely that someone will also attempt to modify them at the desktop.
    • Optimistic: Allow either computer to update any file and, the next time that the laptop is connected, detect and resolve any conflicting updates. An optimistic scheme makes sense if the traveler cannot predict which files will be needed while traveling and there is little chance of conflict anyway.

    Either way, when the two computers can again communicate, reconciliation of their replicas must take place. The same need for reconciliation applies to the handheld computers known as "personal digital assistants," which may have replicas of calendars, address books, to-do lists, or databases filled with business cards. The popular term for this kind of reconciliation is "file synchronization." We avoid using that term because "synchronization" has too many other meanings. 

    The general outline of how to reconcile the replicas seems fairly simple: If a particular file changed on one computer but not on the other, the reconciliation procedure can resolve the difference by simply copying the newer file to the other computer. In the pessimistic case that is all there is to it. If the optimistic scheme is being used, the same file may have changed on both computers. If so, that difference is a conflict and reconciliation requires more guidance to figure out how the resolve it. For the file application, both the detection step and the resolution step can be fairly simple.

    The most straightforward and accurate way to detect differences would be to read both copies of the file and compare their contents, bit by bit, with a record copy that was made at the time of the last reconciliation. If either file does not match the record copy, there is a difference; if both files fail to match the record copy, there is a conflict. But this approach would require maintaining a record copy of the entire file system as well as transmitting all of the data of at least one of the file systems to the place that holds the record copy. Thus there is an incentive to look for shortcuts.

    One shortcut is to use a witness in place of the record copy. The reconciliation algorithm can then detect both differences and conflicts by calculating the current hash of a file and comparing it with a witness that was stored at the time of the previous reconciliation. Since a witness is likely to be much smaller than the original file, it does not take much space to store and it is easy to transmit across a network for comparison. The same set of stored witnesses can also support a decay detector that runs in a low-priority thread, continually reading files, recalculating their hash values, and comparing them with the stored witnesses to see if anything has changed.

    Since witnesses require a lot of file reading and hash computation, a different shortcut is to just examine the time of last modification of every file on both computers, and compare that with the time of last reconciliation. If either file has a newer modification timestamp, there is a difference, and if both have newer modification timestamps, there is a conflict. This shortcut is popular because most file systems maintain modification timestamps as part of the metadata associated with a file. One requirement of this shortcut is that the timestamp have a resolution fine enough to ensure that every time a file is modified its timestamp increases. Unfortunately, modification timestamps are an approximation to witnesses that have several defects. First, the technique does not discover decay because decay events change file contents without updating modification times. Second, if someone modifies a file, then undoes the changes, perhaps because a transaction was aborted, the file will have a new timestamp and the reconciliation algorithm will consider the file changed, even though it really hasn’t. Finally, the system clocks of disconnected computers may drift apart or users may reset system clocks to match their wristwatches (and some file systems allow the user to "adjust" the modification timestamp on a file), so algorithms based on comparing timestamps may come to wrong conclusions as to which of two file versions is "newer." The second defect affects performance rather than correctness, and the impact may be inconsequential, but the first and third defects can create serious correctness problems.

    A file system can provide a different kind of shortcut by maintaining a systemwide sequence number, known as a generation number. At some point when the replicas are known to be identical, both file systems record as part of the metadata of every file a starting generation number, say zero, and they both set their current systemwide generation numbers to one. Then, whenever a user modifies a file, the file system records in the metadata of that file the current generation number. When the reconciliation program next runs, by examining the generation numbers on each file it can easily determine whether either or both copies of a file were modified since the last reconciliation: if either copy of the file has the current generation number, there is a difference; if both copies of the file have the current generation number, there is a conflict. When the reconciliation is complete and the two replicas are again identical, the file systems both increase their current generation numbers by one in preparation for the next reconciliation. Generation numbers share two of the defects of modification timestamps. First, they do not allow discovery of decay, since decay events change file contents without updating generation numbers. Second, an aborted transaction can leave one or more files with a new generation number even though the file contents haven’t really changed. An additional problem that generation numbers do not share with modification timestamps is that implementation of generation numbers is likely to require modifying the file system.

    The resolution step usually starts with algorithmic handling of as many detected differences as possible, leaving (one hopes) a short list of conflicts for the user to resolve manually.

    A Reconciliation Procedure

    To illustrate some of the issues involved in reconciliation, Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\) shows a file reconciliation procedure named RECONCILE, which uses timestamps. To simplify the example, files have path names, but there are no directories. The procedure reconciles two sets of files, named left and right , which were previously reconciled at last_reconcile_time , which acts as a kind of generation number. The procedure assumes that the two sets of files were identical at that time, and its goal is to make the two sets identical again, by examining the modification timestamps recorded by the storage systems that hold the files. The function MODIFICATION_TIME(file) returns the time of the last modification to file . The copy operation, in addition to copying a file from one set to another, also copies the time of last modification, if necessary creating a file with the appropriate file name.

    Procedure RECONCILE references the variables left, right, and last_reconcile_time. It shuts down all activity in the file-using applications of left and right and performs ALL_OR_NOTHING_GET (last_reconcile_time, reconcile_time_sector). It enumerates all the contents of left into left_list, enumerates all the contents of right into right_list, places the intersection of left_list and right_list into common_list, places the members of left_list not found in common_list into left_only_list, places the members of right_list not found in common_list into right_only_list, and creates the empty conflict_list. For each named_file in common_list, the procedure assigns left_new to the value of MODIFICATION_TIME (left.named_file) greater than last_reconcile_time, and assigns right_new to the value of MODIFICATION_TIME (right.named_file) greater than last_reconcile_time. If left_new and right_new both exist, named_file is added to conflict_list. If only left_new exists, the procedure copies named_file from left to right; if only right_new exists, the procedure copies named_file from right to left. If the modification times of the two files do not equal to each other, the procedure terminates and shows an error message. For each named_file in left_only_list, if the modification time of left.named_file is greater than last_reconcile_time, the procedure copies named_file from left to right; otherwise it deletes left.named_file. The procedure follows an analogous process for each named_file in right_only_list. For each named_file in conflict_list, the procedure calls MANUALLY_RESOLVE (right.named_file, left.named_file). Finally, the procedure sets last_reconcile_time equal to NOW, performs ALL_OR_NOTHING_PUT (last_reconcile_time, reconcile_time_sector), and allows activity to resume on left and right.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): A simple reconciliation algorithm.

    RECONCILE operates as a transaction. To achieve all-or-nothing atomicity, RECONCILE is constructed to be idempotent; in addition, the copy operation must be atomic. To achieve before-or-after atomicity, RECONCILE must run by itself, without anyone else making more changes to files while its executes, so it begins by quiescing all file activity, perhaps by setting a lock that prevents new files from being opened by anyone other than itself, and then waiting until all files opened by other threads have been closed. For durability, reconcile depends on the underlying file system. Its constraint is that when it exits, the two sets left and right are identical.

    RECONCILE prepares for reconciliation by reading from a dedicated disk sector the timestamp of the previous reconciliation and enumerating the names of the files on both sides. From the two enumerations, program lines 7 through 9 create three lists:

    • names of files that appear on both sides ( common_list ),
    • names of files that appear only on the left ( left_only_list ), and
    • names of files that appear only on the right ( right_only_list ).

    These three lists drive the rest of the reconciliation. Line 10 creates an empty list named conflict_list , which will accumulate names of any files that it cannot algorithmically reconcile. 

    Next, RECONCILE reviews every file in common_list . It starts, on lines 12 and 13, by checking timestamps to see whether either side has modified the file. If both sides have timestamps that are newer than the timestamp of the previous run of the reconciliation program, that indicates that both sides have modified the file, so it adds that file name to the list of conflicts. If only one side has a newer timestamp, it takes the modified version to be the authoritative one and copies it to the other side. (Thus, this program does some difference resolution at the same time that it is doing difference detection. Completely modularizing these two steps would require two passes through the lists of files, and thereby reduce performance.) If both file timestamps are older than the timestamp of the previous run, it checks to make sure that the timestamps on both sides are identical. If they are not, that suggests that the two file systems were different at the end of the previous reconciliation, perhaps because something went wrong during that attempt to reconcile, so the program terminates with an error message rather than blundering forward and taking a chance on irreparably messing up both file systems.

    Having handled the list of names of files found on both sides, RECONCILE then considers those files whose names it found on only one side. This situation can arise in three ways:

    1. one side deletes an old file,
    2. the other side creates a new file, or
    3. one side modifies a file that the other side deletes.

    The first case is easily identified by noticing that the side that still has the file has not modified it since the previous run of the reconciliation program. For this case RECONCILE deletes the remaining copy. The other two cases cannot, without keeping additional state, be distinguished from one another, so RECONCILE simply copies the file from one side to the other. A consequence of this choice is that a deleted file will silently reappear if the other side modified it after the previous invocation of RECONCILE. An alternative implementation would be to declare a conflict, and ask the user to decide whether to delete or copy the file. With that choice, every newly created file requires manual intervention at the next run of RECONCILE. Both implementations create some user annoyance. Eliminating the annoyance is possible but requires an algorithm that remembers additional, per-file state between runs of RECONCILE

    Having reconciled all the differences that could be resolved algorithmically, RECONCILE asks the user to resolve any remaining conflicts by manual intervention. When the user finishes, RECONCILE is ready to commit the transaction, which it does by recording the current time in the dedicated disk sector, in line 36. It then allows file creation activity to resume, and it exits. The two sets of files are again identical.


    There are several improvements that we could make to this simple reconciliation algorithm to make it more user-friendly or comprehensive. As usual, each improvement adds complexity. Here are some examples:

    1. Rather than demanding that the user resolve all remaining conflicts on the spot, it would be possible to simply notify the user that there is a non-empty conflict list and let the user resolve those conflicts at leisure. The main complication this improvement adds is that the user is likely to be modifying files (and changing file modification timestamps) at the same time that other file activity is going on, including activity that may be generating new inconsistencies among the replicas. Changes that the user makes to resolve the conflicts may thus look like new conflicts next time the reconciliation program runs. A second complication is that there is no assurance that the user actually reconciles the conflicts; the conflict list may still be non-empty the next time that the reconciliation program runs, and it must take that possibility into account. A simple response could be for the program to start by checking the previous conflict list to see if it is empty, and if it is not asking the user to take care of it before proceeding.
    2. Some of the remaining conflicts may actually be algorithmically resolvable, with the help of an application program that understands the semantics and format of a particular file. Consider, for example, an appointment calendar application that stores the entire appointment book in a single file. If the user adds a 1 p.m. meeting to the desktop replica and a 4 p.m. meeting to the laptop replica, both files would have modification timestamps later than the previous reconciliation, so the reconciliation program would flag these files as a conflict. On the other hand, the calendar application program might be able to resolve the conflict by copying both meeting records to both files. What is needed is for the calendar application to perform the same kind of detection/resolution reconciliation we have already seen, but applied to individual appointment records rather than to the whole file. Any application that maintains suitable metadata (e.g. a record copy, witnesses, a generation number, or a timestamp showing when each entry in its database was last modified) can do such a record-by-record reconciliation. Of course, if the calendar application encounters two conflicting changes to the same appointment record, it probably would refer that conflict to the user for advice. The result of the application-specific reconciliation should be identical files on both replicas with identical modification timestamps.

      Application-specific reconciliation procedures have been designed for many different specialized databases such as address books, to-do lists, and mailboxes; all that is required is that the program designer develop an appropriate reconciliation algorithm. For convenience, it is helpful to integrate these application-specific procedures with the main reconciliation procedure. The usual method is for such applications to register their reconciliation procedures, along with a list of files or file types that each reconciliation procedure can handle, with the main reconciliation program. The main reconciliation program then adds a step of reviewing its conflict list to see if there is an application-specific program available for each file. If there is, it invokes that program, rather than asking the user to resolve the conflict.
    3. As it stands, the reconciliation procedure enumerates only files. If it were to be applied to a file system that has directories, links, and file metadata other than file names and modification times, it might do some unexpected things. For example, the program would handle links badly, by creating a second copy of the linked file, rather than creating a link. Most reconciliation programs have substantial chunks of code devoted to detecting and resolving differences in directories and metadata. Because the semantics of the directory management operations are usually known to the writer of the reconciliation program, many differences between directories can be resolved algorithmically. However, there can still be a residue of conflicts that require user guidance to resolve, such as when a file named \(A\) has been created in a directory on one side and a different file named \(A\) has been created in the same directory on the other side.

    Clock Coordination

    This RECONCILE program is relatively fragile. It depends, for example, on the timestamps being accurate. If the two sets of files are managed by different computer systems with independent clocks, and someone sets the clock incorrectly on one side, the timestamps on that side will also be incorrect, with the result that RECONCILE may not notice a conflict, it may overwrite a new version of a file with an old version, it may delete a file that should not be deleted, or it may incorrectly revive a deleted file. For the same reason, RECONCILE must carefully preserve the variable last_reconcile_time from one run to the next. 

    Some reconciliation programs try to minimize the possibility of accidental damage by reading the current clock value from both systems, noting the difference, and taking that difference into account. If the difference has not changed since the previous reconciliation, reconcile can simply add (or subtract, as appropriate) the time difference and proceed as usual. If the difference has changed, the amount of the change can be considered a delta of uncertainty; any file whose fate depends on that uncertainty is added to the list of conflicts for the user to resolve manually.

    This page titled 4.5: Reconciliation is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Jerome H. Saltzer & M. Frans Kaashoek (MIT OpenCourseWare) .