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4.6: Perspectives

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    In Chapters 3 and 4 we have gone into considerable depth on various aspects of atomicity and systematic approaches to providing it. At this point it is appropriate to stand back from the technical details and try to develop some perspective on how all these ideas relate to the real world. The observations of this section are wide-ranging: history, trade-offs, and unexplored topics. Individually these observations appear somewhat disconnected, but in concert they may provide the reader with some preparation for the way that atomicity fits into the practical world of computer system design.


    Systematic application of atomicity to recovery and to coordination is relatively recent. Ad hoc programming of concurrent activities has been common since the late 1950s, when machines such as the IBM 7030 (STRETCH) computer and the experimental TX–0 at M.I.T. used interrupts to keep I/O device driver programs running concurrently with the main computation. The first time-sharing systems (in the early 1960s) demonstrated the need to be more systematic in interrupt management, and many different semantic constructs were developed over the next decade to get a better grasp on coordination problems: Edsger Dijkstra’s semaphores, Per Brinch Hansen’s message buffers, David Reed and Raj Kanodia’s eventcounts, Nico Habermann’s path expressions, and Anthony Hoare’s monitors are examples. A substantial literature grew up around these constructs, but a characteristic of all of them was a focus on properly coordinating concurrent activities, each of which by itself was assumed to operate correctly. The possibility of failure and recovery of individual activities, and the consequences of such failure and recovery on coordination with other, concurrent activities, was not a focus of attention. Another characteristic of these constructs is that they resemble a machine language, providing low-level tools but little guidance in how to apply them. 

    Failure recovery was not simply ignored in those early systems, but it was handled quite independently of coordination, again using ad hoc techniques. The early timesharing system implementers found that users required a kind of durable storage, in which files could be expected to survive intact in the face of system failures. To this end most time-sharing systems periodically made backup copies of online files, using magnetic tape as the backup medium. The more sophisticated systems developed incremental backup schemes, in which recently created or modified files were copied to tape on an hourly basis, producing an almost-up-to-date durability log. To reduce the possibility that a system crash might damage the on-line disk storage contents, salvager programs were developed to go through the disk contents and repair obvious and common kinds of damage. The user of a modern personal computer will recognize that some of these techniques are still in widespread use.

    These ad hoc techniques, though adequate for some uses, were not enough for designers of serious database management systems. To meet their requirements, they developed the concept of a transaction, which initially was exactly an all-or-nothing action applied to a database. Recovery logging protocols thus developed in the database environment, and it was some time before it was recognized that recovery semantics had wider applicability.

    Within the database world, coordination was accomplished almost entirely by locking techniques that became more and more systematic and automatic, with the realization that the definition of correctness for concurrent atomic actions involved getting the same result as if those atomic actions had actually run one at a time in some serial order. The database world also contributed the concept of maintaining constraints or invariants among different data objects, and the word transaction came to mean an action that is both all-or-nothing and before-or-after and that can be used to maintain constraints and provide durability. The database world also developed systematic replication schemes, primarily to enhance reliability and availability, but also to enhance performance.

    The understanding of before-or-after atomicity, along with a requirement for hierarchical composition of programs, in turn led to the development of version history (also called temporal database or time domain addressing) systems. Version histories systematically provide both recovery and coordination with a single mechanism, and they simplify building big atomic actions out of several, independently developed, smaller ones.

    This text has reversed this order of development because the relatively simple version history is pedagogically more straightforward, while the higher complexity of the logging/locking approach is easier to grasp after seeing why version histories work. Version histories are used in source code management systems and also in user interfaces that provide an UNDO button, but virtually all commercial database management systems use logs and locking in order to attain maximum performance.


    An interesting set of trade-offs applies to techniques for coordinating concurrent activities. Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\) suggests that there is a spectrum of coordination possibilities, ranging from totally serialized actions on the left to complete absence of coordination on the right. Starting at the left, we can have great simplicity (for example by scheduling just one thread at a time) but admit no concurrency at all. Moving toward the right, the complexity required to maintain correctness increases but so does the possibility of improved performance, since more and more concurrency is admitted. For example, the mark-point and simple locking disciplines might lie more toward the left end of this spectrum while two-phase locking would be farther to the right. The solid curved line in the figure represents a boundary of increasing minimum complexity, below which that level of coordination complexity can no longer ensure correctness; outcomes that do not correspond to any serial schedule of the same actions become possible. (For purposes of illustration, the figure shows the boundary line as a smooth increasing curve, but that is a gross oversimplification. At the first hint of concurrency, the complexity leaps upward.)

    A graph with subjective complexity of the coordination scheme on the vertical axis and the amount of concurrent activity on the horizontal axis, ranging from "none" at the origin to "unconstrained" at the rightmost end of the axis. The graphed limit of correctness for a given amount of concurrent activity takes the shape of a curve beginning at the origin, increasing gradually at first and then faster as it approaches a vertical asymptote located roughly halfway along the horizontal axis: the limit of correctness despite unlimited complexity. The distance from the curve to the vertical axis on the left represents the amount of correct coordination; the distance from the curve to the vertical axis on the right (passing through the rightmost end of the horizontal axis) represents the amount of miscoordination and wrong answers.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): The trade-off among concurrency, complexity, and correctness. The choice of where in this chart to position a system design depends on the answers to two questions: 1) How frequently will concurrent activities actually interfere with one another? 2) How important are 100% correct results? If interference is rare, it is appropriate to design farther to the right. If correctness is not essential, it may be acceptable to design even to the right of the two correctness boundaries.

    Continuing to traverse the concurrency spectrum to the right, one passes a point, indicated by the dashed vertical line, beyond which correctness cannot be achieved no matter how clever or complex the coordination scheme. The closer one approaches this limit from the left, the higher the performance, but at the cost of higher complexity. All of the algorithms explored in Chapters 3 and 4 are intended to operate to the left of the correctness limit, but we might inquire about the possibilities of working on the other side. Such a possibility is not as unthinkable as it might seem at first. If interference between concurrent activities is rare, and the cost of an error is small, one might actually be willing to permit concurrent actions that can lead to certifiably wrong answers. Section 3.6.4 suggested that designers sometimes employ locking protocols that operate in this region.

    For example, in an inventory control system for a grocery store, if an occasional sale of a box of cornflakes goes unrecorded because two point-of-sale terminals tried to update the cornflakes inventory concurrently, the resulting slight overstatement of inventory may not be a serious problem. The grocery store must do occasional manual inventory anyway because other boxes of cornflakes are misplaced, damaged, and stolen, and employees sometimes enter wrong numbers when new boxes are delivered. This higher-layer data recovery mechanism will also correct any errors that creep in because of miscoordination in the inventory management system, so its designer might well decide to use a coordination technique that allows maximum concurrency, is simple, catches the most common miscoordination problems, but nevertheless operates below or to the right of the strict correctness line. A decision to operate a data management system in a mode that allows such errors can be made on a rational basis. One would compare the rate at which the system loses track of inventory because of its own coordination errors with the rate at which it loses track because of outside, uncontrolled events. If the latter rate dominates, it is not necessary to press the computer system for better accuracy.

    Another plausible example of acceptable operation outside the correctness boundary is the calculation, by the Federal Reserve Bank, of the United States money supply. Although in principle one could program a two-phase locking protocol that includes every bank account in every bank that contains U.S. funds, the practical difficulty of accomplishing that task with thousands of independent banks distributed over a continent is formidable. Instead, the data is gathered without locking, with only loose coordination and it is almost certain that some funds are counted twice and other funds are overlooked. However, great precision is not essential in the result, so lack of perfect coordination among the many individual bank systems operating concurrently is acceptable.

    Although allowing incorrect coordination might appear usable only in obscure cases, it is actually applicable to a wider range of situations than one might guess. In almost all database management applications, the biggest cause of incorrect results is wrong input by human operators. Typically, stored data already has many defects before the transaction programs of the database management system have a chance to "correctly" transform it. Thus the proper perspective is that operation outside of the correctness boundaries of Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\) merely adds to the rate of incorrectness of the database. We are making an end-to-end argument here: there may be little point in implementing heroic coordination correctness measures in a lower layer if the higher-layer user of our application makes other mistakes, and has procedures in place to correct them anyway.

    With that perspective, one can in principle balance heavy-handed but "correct" transaction coordination schemes against simpler techniques that can occasionally damage the data in limited ways. One piece of evidence that this approach is workable in practice is that many existing data management systems offer optional locking protocols called "cursor stability," "read committed," or "snapshot isolation," all of which are demonstrably incorrect in certain cases. However, the frequency of interacting update actions that actually produce wrong answers is low enough and the benefit in increased concurrency is high enough that users find the trade-off tolerable. The main problem with this approach is that no one has yet found a good way of characterizing (with the goal of limiting) the errors that can result. If you can't bound the maximum damage that could occur, then these techniques may be too risky.

    An obvious question is whether or not some similar strategy of operating beyond a correctness boundary applies to atomicity. Apparently not, at least in the area of instruction set design for central processors. Three generations of central processor designers (of the main frame processors of the 1950s and 1960s, the mini-computers of the 1970s, and the one-chip microprocessors of the 1980s) did not recognize the importance of all-or-nothing atomicity in their initial design and were later forced to retrofit it into their architectures in order to accommodate the thread switching that accompanies multilevel memory management.

    Directions for Further Study

    Chapters 3 and 4 have opened up only the first layer of study of atomicity, transactions, durability, replication, and consistency; there are thick books that explore the details. Among the things we have touched only lightly (or not at all) are distributed atomic actions, hierarchically composing programs with modules that use locks, the systematic use of loose or incorrect coordination, the systematic application of compensation, and the possibility of malicious participants.

    Implementing distributed atomic actions efficiently is a difficult problem for which there is a huge literature, with some schemes based on locking, others on timestamp-based protocols or version histories, some on combining the two, and yet others with optimistic strategies. Each such scheme has a set of advantages and disadvantages with respect to performance, availability, durability, integrity, and consistency. No one scheme seems ready to dominate and new schemes appear regularly.

    Hierarchical composition—making larger atomic actions out of previously programmed smaller ones—interacts in an awkward way with locking as a before-or-after atomicity technique. The problem arises because locking protocols require a lock point for correctness. Creating an atomic action from two previously independent atomic actions is difficult because each separate atomic action has its own lock point, coinciding with its own commit point. But the higher-layer action must also have a lock point, suggesting that the order of capture and release of locks in the constituent atomic action needs to be changed. Rearrangement of the order of lock capture and release contradicts the usual goal of modular composition, under which one assembles larger systems out of components without having to modify the components. To maintain modular composition, the lock manager needs to know that it is operating in an environment of hierarchical atomic actions. With this knowledge, it can, behind the scenes, systematically rearrange the order of lock release to match the requirements of the action nesting. For example, when a nested atomic action calls to release a lock, the lock manager can simply relabel that lock to show that it is held by the higher-layer, not-yet-committed atomic action in which this one is nested. A systematic discipline of passing locks up and down among nested atomic actions thus can preserve the goal of modular composition, but at a cost in complexity.

    Returning to the idea suggested by Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\), the possibility of designing a system that operates in the region of incorrectness is intriguing, but there is one major deterrent: one would like to specify, and thus limit, the nature of the errors that can be caused by miscoordination. This specification might be on the magnitude of errors, or their direction, or their cumulative effect, or something else. Systematic specification of tolerance of coordination errors is a topic that has not been seriously explored.

    Compensation is the way that one deals with miscoordination or with recovery in situations where rolling back an action invisibly cannot be accomplished. Compensation is performing a visible action that reverses all known effects of some earlier, visible action. For example, if a bank account was incorrectly debited, one might later credit it for the missing amount. The usefulness of compensation is limited by the extent to which one can track down and reverse everything that has transpired since the action that needs reversal. In the case of the bank account, one might successfully discover that an interest payment on an incorrect balance should also be adjusted; it might be harder to reverse all the effects of a check that was bounced because the account balance was incorrectly too low. Apart from generalizations along the line of "one must track the flow of information output of any action that is to be reversed" little is known about systematic compensation; it seems to be an application-dependent concept. If committing the transaction resulted in drilling a hole or firing a missile, compensation may not be an applicable concept.

    Finally, all of the before-or-after atomicity schemes we explored assume that the various participants are all trying to reach a consistent, correct result. Another area of study explores what happens if one or more of the workers in a multiple-site coordination task decides to mislead the others, such as by sending a message to one site reporting it has committed, while sending a message to another site reporting it has aborted. (This possibility is described colorfully as the Byzantine Generals' problem.) The possibility of adversarial participants merges concerns of security with those of atomicity. The solutions so far are based primarily on extension of the coordination and recovery protocols to allow achieving consensus in the face of adversarial behavior. There has been little overlap with the security mechanisms that will be studied in Chapter 5.

    One reason for exploring this area of overlap between atomicity and security is the concern that undetected errors in communication links could simulate uncooperative behavior. A second reason is increasing interest in peer-to-peer network communication, which frequently involves large numbers of administratively independent participants who may, either accidentally or intentionally, engage in Byzantine behavior. Another possible source of Byzantine behavior could lie in outsourcing of responsibility for replica storage.

    This page titled 4.6: Perspectives is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Jerome H. Saltzer & M. Frans Kaashoek (MIT OpenCourseWare) .

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