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5.2: Introduction to Secure Systems

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    We have discussed how to divide a computer system into modules so that errors don't propagate from one module to another, but under the assumption that errors happen unintentionally: modules fail to adhere to their contracts because users make mistakes or hardware fails accidentally. As computer systems become more and more deployed for mission-critical applications, however, we require computer systems that can tolerate adversaries. By an adversary, we mean a entity that breaks into systems intentionally: for example, to steal information from other users, to blackmail a company, to deny other users access to services, to hack systems for fun or fame, to test the security of a system, etc. An adversary encompasses a wide range of bad guys as well as good guys (e.g., people hired by an organization to test the security of that organization’s computers systems). An adversary can be a single person or a group collaborating to break the protection.

    Almost all computers are connected to networks, which means that they can be attacked by an adversary from any place in the world. Not only must the security mechanism withstand adversaries who have physical access to the system, but the mechanism also must withstand a 16-year old wizard sitting behind a personal computer in some country one has never heard of. Since most computers are connected through public networks (e.g., the Internet), defending against a remote adversary is particularly challenging. Any person who has access to the public network might be able to compromise any computer or router in the network.

    Although, in most secure systems, keeping adversaries from doing bad things is the primary objective, there is usually also a need to provide users with different levels of authority. Consider electronic banking. Certainly, a primary objective must be to ensure that no one can steal money from accounts, modify transactions performed over the public networks, or do anything else bad. But in addition, a banking system must enforce other security constraints. For example, the owner of an account should be allowed to withdraw money from the account, but the owner shouldn't be allowed to withdraw money from other accounts. Bank personnel, though, (under some conditions) should be allowed to transfer money between accounts of different users and view any account. Some scheme is needed to enforce the desired authority structure.

    In some applications no enforcement mechanism internal to the computer system may be necessary. For instance, an externally administered code of ethics or other mechanisms outside of the computer system may protect the system adequately. On the other hand, with the rising importance of computers and the Internet many systems require some security plan. Examples include file services storing private information, Internet stores, law enforcement information systems, electronic distribution of proprietary software, on-line medical information systems, and government social service data processing systems. These examples span a wide range of needs for organizational and personal privacy.

    Not all fields of study use the terms "privacy," "security," and "protection" in the same way. This chapter adopts definitions that are commonly encountered in the computer science literature. The traditional meaning of the term privacy is the ability of an individual to determine if, when, and to whom personal information is to be released (see Sidebar \(\PageIndex{1}\)). The term security describes techniques that protect information and information systems against unauthorized access or modification of information, whether in storage, processing, or transit, and against denial of service to authorized users. In this chapter the term protection is used as a synonym for security.

    Sidebar \(\PageIndex{1}\)


    The definition of privacy (the ability of an individual to determine if, when, and to whom personal information is to be released) comes from the 1967 book Privacy and Freedom by Alan Westin [Suggestions for Further Reading 5.1.1]. Some privacy advocates (see, for example, Suggestions for Further Reading 5.1.3) suggest that with the increased interconnectivity provided by changing technology, Westin's definition now covers only a subset of privacy, and is in need of update. They suggest this broader definition: the ability of an individual to decide how and to what extent personal information can be used by others.

    This broader definition includes the original concept, but it also encompasses control over use of information that the individual has agreed to release, but that later can be systematically accumulated from various sources such as public records, grocery store frequent shopper cards, Web browsing logs, online bookseller records about what books that person seems interested in, etc. The reasoning is that modern network and data mining technology add a new dimension to the activities that can constitute an invasion of privacy. The traditional definition implied that privacy can be protected by confidentiality and access control mechanisms; the broader definition implies adding accountability for use of information that the individual has agreed to release.e

    A common goal in a secure system is to enforce some privacy policy. An example of a policy in the banking system is that only an owner and selected bank personnel should have access to that owner’s account. The nature of a privacy policy is not a technical question, but a social and political question. To make progress without having to solve the problem of what an acceptable policy is, we focus on the mechanisms to enforce policies. In particular, we are interested in mechanisms that can support a wide variety of policies. Thus, the principle separate mechanism from policy is especially important in design of secure systems.


    Threat Classification

    The design of any security system starts with identifying the threats that the system should withstand. Threats are potential security violations caused either by a planned attack by an adversary or unintended mistakes by legitimate users of the system. The designer of a secure computer system must be consider both.

    There are three broad categories of threats:

    1. Unauthorized information release: an unauthorized person can read and take advantage of information stored in the computer or being transmitted over networks. This category of concern sometimes extends to "traffic analysis," in which the adversary observes only the patterns of information use and from those patterns can infer some information content.
    2. Unauthorized information modification: an unauthorized person can make changes in stored information or modify messages that cross a network—an adversary might engage in this behavior to sabotage the system or to trick the receiver of a message to divulge useful information or take unintended action. This kind of violation does not necessarily require that the adversary be able to see the information it has changed.
    3. Unauthorized denial of use: an adversary can prevent an authorized user from reading or modifying information, even though the adversary may not be able to read or modify the information. Causing a system "crash," flooding a service with messages, or firing a bullet into a computer are examples of denial of use. This attack is another form of sabotage.

    In general, the term "unauthorized" means that release, modification, or denial of use occurs contrary to the intent of the person who controls the information, possibly even contrary to the constraints supposedly enforced by the system.

    As mentioned in the overview, a complication in defending against these threats is that the adversary can exploit the behavior of users who are legitimately authorized to use the system but are lax about security. For example, many users aren't security experts and put their computers at risk through surfing the Internet and downloading untrusted, third-party programs voluntarily or even without realizing it. Some users bring their own personal devices and gadgets into their work place; these devices may contain malicious software. Yet other users allow friends and family members to use computers at institutions for personal ends (e.g., storing personal content or playing games). Some employees may be disgruntled with their company and may be willing to collaborate with an adversary.

    A legitimate user acting as an adversary is difficult to defend against because the adversary’s actions will appear to be legitimate. Because of this difficulty, this threat has its own label, the insider threat.

    Because there are many possible threats, a broad set of security techniques exists. The following list just provides a few examples (see Anderson's Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems\(^*\) for a wider range of many more examples):

    • making credit card information sent over the Internet unreadable by anyone other than the intended recipients,
    • verifying the claimed identity of a user, whether local or across a network,
    • labeling files with lists of authorized users,
    • executing secure protocols for electronic voting or auctions,
    • installing a router (in security jargon called a firewall) that filters traffic between a private network and a public network to make it more difficult for outsiders to attack the private network,
    • shielding the computer to prevent interception and subsequent interpretation of electromagnetic radiation,
    • locking the room containing the computer,
    • certifying that the hardware and software are actually implemented as intended,
    • providing users with configuration profiles to simplify configuration decisions with secure defaults,
    • encouraging legitimate users to follow good security practices,
    • monitoring the computer system, keeping logs to provide audit trails, and protecting the logs from tampering.

    \(^*\) Ross Anderson. Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems. John Wiley & Sons, second edition, 2008. ISBN 978­–0–470–06852–6. 1,040 pages.

    This book considers a remarkable range of system security problems, from taxi mileage recorders to nuclear command and control systems. It provides great depth on the mechanics, assuming that the reader already has a high-level picture. The book is sometimes quick in its explanations; the reader must be quite knowledgeable about systems. One of its strengths is that most of the discussions of how to do it are immediately followed by a section titled "What goes wrong", exploring misimplementations, fallacies, and other modes of failure. The first edition is available online.

    Security is a Negative Goal

    Having a narrow view of security is dangerous because the objective of a secure system is to prevent all unauthorized actions. This requirement is a negative kind of requirement. It is hard to prove that this negative requirement has been achieved, for one must demonstrate that every possible threat has been anticipated. Therefore, a designer must take a broad view of security and consider any method in which the security scheme can be penetrated or circumvented.

    To illustrate the difficulty, consider the positive goal, "Alice can read file \(x\)." It is easy to test if a designer has achieved the goal (we ask Alice to try to read the file). Furthermore, if the designer failed, Alice will probably provide direct feedback by sending the designer a message "I can't read \(x\)!" In contrast, with a negative goal, such as "Lucifer cannot read file \(x\)," the designer must check that all the ways that the adversary Lucifer might be able to read \(x\) are blocked, and it's likely that the designer won't receive any direct feedback if the designer slips up. Lucifer won't tell the designer because Lucifer has no reason to and it may not even be in Lucifer's interest.

    An example from the field of biology illustrates nicely the difference between proving a positive and proving a negative. Consider the question "Is a species (for example, the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker) extinct?" It is generally easy to prove that a species exists; just exhibit a live example. But to prove that it is extinct requires exhaustively searching the whole world. Since the latter is usually difficult, the most usual answer to proving a negative is "we aren't sure".\(^*\)

    The question "Is a system secure?" has these same three possible outcomes: insecure, secure, or don't know. In order to prove a system is insecure, one must find just one example of a security hole. Finding the hole is usually difficult and typically requires substantial expertise, but once one hole is found it is clear that the system is insecure. In contrast, to prove that a system is secure, one has to show that there is no security hole at all. Because the latter is so difficult, the typical outcome is "we don't know of any remaining security holes, but we are certain that there are some."

    Another way of appreciating the difficulty of achieving a negative goal is to model a computer system as a state machine with states for all the possible configurations in which the system can be and with links between states for transitions between configurations. As shown in Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\), the possible states and links form a graph, with the states as nodes and possible transitions as edges. Assume that the system is in some current state. The goal of an adversary is to force the system from the current state to a state, labeled "Bad" in the figure, that gives the adversary unauthorized access. To defend against the adversary, the security designers must identify and block every path that leads to the bad state. But the adversary needs to find only one path from the current state to the bad state.

    A system's current state labeled can branch off into two different states, each of which can branch off into more different states, and so on. Eventually, there are multiple different branches leading to the state labeled "bad."

    Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): Modeling a computer systems as a state machine. An adversary's goal is to get the system into a state, labeled "Bad", that gives the adversary unauthorized access.To prevent the adversary from succeeding, all paths leading to the bad state must be blocked off because the adversary needs to find only one path to succeed.

    \(^*\) The woodpecker was believed to be extinct, but in 2005 a few scientists claimed to have found the bird in Arkansas after a kayaker caught a glimpse in 2004; if true, it is the first confirmed sighting in 60 years.


    The Safety Net Approach

    To successfully design systems that satisfy negative goals, this chapter adopts the safety net approach of Chapter 2, which in essence guides a designer to be paranoid—never assume the design is right. In the context of security, the two safety net principles be explicit and design for iteration reinforce this paranoid attitude:

    1. Be explicit: Make all assumptions explicit so that they can be reviewed. It may require only one hole in the security of the system to penetrate it. The designer must therefore consider any threat that has security implications and make explicit the assumption on which the security design relies. Furthermore, make sure that all assumptions on which the security of the system is based are apparent at all times to all participants. For example, in the context of protocols, the meaning of each message should depend only on the content of the message itself, and should not be dependent on the context of the conversation. If the content of a message depends on its context, an adversary might be able to break the security of a protocol by tricking a receiver into interpreting the message in a different context.
    2. Design for iteration: Assume you will make errors. Because the designer must assume that the design itself will contain flaws, the designer must be prepared to iterate the design. When a security hole is discovered, the designer must review the assumptions, if necessary adjust them, and repair the design. When a designer discovers an error in the system, the designer must reiterate the whole design and implementation process.

    The safety net approach implies several requirements for the design of a secure system:

    • Certify the security of the system. Certification involves verifying that the design matches the intended security policy, the implementation matches the design, and the running system matches the implementation, followed up by end-to-end tests by security specialists looking for errors that might compromise security. Certification provides a systematic approach to reviewing the security of a system against the assumptions. Ideally, certification is performed by independent reviewers, and, if possible, using formal tools. One way to make certification manageable is to identify those components that must be trusted to ensure security, minimize their number, and build a wall around them. Below, Section 5.1.8 discusses this idea, known as the trusted computing base, in more detail.
    • Maintain audit trails of all authorization decisions. Since the designer must assume that legitimate users might abuse their permissions or an adversary may be masquerading as a legitimate user, the system should maintain an tamper-proof log (so that an adversary cannot erase records) of all authorization decisions made. If, despite all security mechanisms, an adversary (either from the inside or from the outside) succeeds in breaking the security of the system, the log might help in forensics. A forensics expert may be able to use the log to collect evidence that stands in court and help establish the identity of the adversary so that the adversary can be prosecuted after the fact. The log also can be used as a source of feedback that reveals an incorrect assumption, design, or implementation.
    • Design the system for feedback. An adversary is unlikely to provide feedback when compromising the system, so it is up to the designer to create ways to obtain feedback. Obtaining feedback starts with stating the assumptions explicitly, so the designer can check the designed, implemented, and operational system against the assumptions when a flaw is identified. This method by itself doesn’t identify security weaknesses, and thus the designer must actively look for potential problems. Methods include reviewing audit logs and running programs that alert system administrators about unexpected behavior, such as unusual network traffic (e.g., many requests to a machine that normally doesn't receive many requests), repeated login failures, etc. The designer should also create an environment in which staff and customers are not blamed for system compromises, but instead are rewarded for reporting them, so that they are encouraged to report problems instead of hiding them. Designing for feedback reduces the chance that security holes will slip by unnoticed. Anderson illustrates well through a number of real-world examples how important it is to design for feedback [Suggestions for Further Reading 5.5.5].

    As part of the safety net approach, a designer must consider the environment in which the system runs. The designer must secure all communication links (e.g., dial-up modem lines that would otherwise bypass the firewall that filters traffic between a private network and a public network), prepare for malfunctioning equipment, find and remove back doors that create security problems, provide configuration settings for users that are secure by default, and determine who is trustworthy enough to own a key to the room that protects the most secure part of the system. Moreover, the designer must protect against bribes and worry about disgruntled employees. The security literature is filled with stories of failures because the designers didn't take one of these issues into account.

    As another part of the safety net approach, the designer must consider the dynamics of use. This term refers to how one establishes and changes the specification of who may obtain access to what. For example, Alice might revoke Bob’s permission to read file \(x\). To gain some insight into the complexity introduced by changes to access authorization, consider again the question, "Is there any way that Lucifer could obtain access to file \(x\)?" One should check not only whether Lucifer has access to file \(x\), but also whether Lucifer may change the specification of file \(x\)'s accessibility. The next step is to see if Lucifer can change the specification of who may change the specification of file \(x\)'s accessibility, etc.

    Another problem of dynamics arises when the owner revokes a user's access to a file while that file is being used. Letting the previously authorized user continue until the user is "finished" with the information may be unacceptable if the owner has suddenly realized that the file contains sensitive data. On the other hand, immediate withdrawal of authorization may severely disrupt the user or leave inconsistent data if the user was in the middle of an atomic action. Provisions for the dynamics of use are at least as important as those for static specification of security.

    Finally, the safety net approach suggests that a designer should never believe that a system is completely secure. Instead, one must design systems that defend in depth by using redundant defenses, a strategy that the Russian army deployed successfully for centuries to defend Russia. For example, a designer might have designed a system that provides end-to-end security over untrusted networks. In addition, the designer might also include a firewall between the trusted and untrusted network for network-level security. The firewall is in principle completely redundant with the end-to-end security mechanisms; if the end-to-end security mechanism works correctly, there is no need for network-level security. For an adversary to break the security of the system, however, the adversary has to find flaws in both the firewall and in the end-to-end security mechanisms, and be lucky enough that the first flaw allows exploitation of the second.

    The defense-in-depth design strategy offers no guarantees, but it seems to be effective in practice. The reason is that conceptually, the defense-in-depth strategy cuts more edges in the graph of all possible paths from a current state to some undesired state. As a result, an adversary has fewer paths available to get to and exploit the undesired state.


    Design Principles

    In practice, because security is a negative goal, producing a system that actually does prevent all unauthorized acts has proved to be extremely difficult. Penetration exercises involving many different systems all have shown that users can obtain unauthorized access to these systems. Even if designers follow the safety net approach carefully, design and implementation flaws provide paths that circumvent the intended access constraints. In addition, because computer systems change rapidly or are deployed in new environments for which they were not designed originally, new opportunities for security compromises come about. Section 5.12 provides several war stories about security breaches.

    Design and construction techniques that systematically exclude flaws are the topic of much research activity, but no complete method applicable to the design of computer systems exists yet. This difficulty is related to the negative quality of the requirement to prevent all unauthorized actions. In the absence of such methodical techniques, experience has provided several security principles to guide the design towards minimizing the number of security flaws in an implementation. We discuss these principles next.

    The design should not be secret:

    Open design principle:

    Let anyone comment on the design. You need all the help you can get.

    Violation of the open design principle has historically proven to almost always lead to flawed designs. The mechanisms should not depend on the ignorance of potential adversaries, but rather on the possession of specific, more easily protected, secret keys or passwords. This decoupling of security mechanisms from security keys permits the mechanisms to be examined by many reviewers without concern that the review may itself compromise the safeguards. In addition, any skeptical user must be able to review that the system is adequate for the user’s purpose. Finally, it is simply not realistic to maintain secrecy of any system that receives wide distribution. However, the open design principle can conflict with other goals, which has led to numerous debates; Sidebar \(\PageIndex{2}\) summarizes some of the arguments.  

    Sidebar \(\PageIndex{2}\)

    Should designs and vulnerabilities be public?

    The debate of closed versus open designs has been raging literally for ages, and is not unique to computer security. The advocates of closed designs argue that making designs public helps the adversaries, so why do it? The advocates of open designs argue that closed designs don't really provide security because in the long run it is impossible to keep a design secret. The practical result of attempted secrecy is usually that the bad guys know about the flaws but the good guys don't. Open design advocates disparage closed designs by describing them as "security through obscurity."

    On the other hand, the open design principle can conflict with the desire to keep a design and its implementation proprietary for commercial or national security reasons. For example, software companies often do not want a competitor to review their software in fear that the competitor can easily learn or copy ideas. Many companies attempt to resolve this conflict by arranging reviews, but restricting who can participate in the reviews. This approach has the danger that not the right people are performing the reviews.

    Closely related to the question whether designs should be public or not is the question whether vulnerabilities should be made public or not? Again, the debate about the right answer to this question has been raging for ages, and is perhaps best illustrated by the following quote from a 1853 book\(^*\) about old-fashioned door locks:

    A commercial, and in some respects a social doubt has been started within the last year or two, whether or not it is right to discuss so openly the security or insecurity of locks. Many well-meaning persons suppose that the discussion respecting the means for baffling the supposed safety of locks offers a premium for dishonesty, by showing others how to be dishonest. This is a fallacy. Rogues are very keen in their profession, and know already much more than we can teach them respecting their several kinds of roguery.

    Rogues knew a good deal about lock-picking long before locksmiths discussed it among themselves, as they have lately done. If a lock, let it have been made in whatever country, or by whatever maker, is not so inviolable as it has hitherto been deemed to be, surely it is to the interest of honest persons to know this fact, because the dishonest are tolerably certain to apply the knowledge practically; and the spread of the knowledge is necessary to give fair play to those who might suffer by ignorance.

    It cannot be too earnestly urged that an acquaintance with real facts will, in the end, be better for all parties.

    Computer security experts generally believe that one should publish vulnerabilities for the reasons stated by Hobbs and that users should know if the system they are using has a problem so they can decide whether or not they care. Companies, however, are typically reluctant to disclose vulnerabilities. For example, a bank has little incentive to advertise successful compromises because it may scare away customers.

    To handle this tension, many governments have created laws and organizations that make vulnerabilities public. In California companies must inform their customers if an adversary might have succeeded in stealing customers' private information (e.g., a social security number). The U.S federal government has created the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) to document vulnerabilities in software systems and help with the response to these vulnerabilities (see When CERT learns about a new vulnerability, it first notifies the vendor, then it waits for some time for the vendor to develop a patch, and then goes public with the vulnerability and the patch.

    \(^*\) A.C Hobbs (Charles Tomlinson, ed.), Locks and Safes: The Construction of Locks. Virtue & Co., London, 1853 (revised 1868).

    The right people must perform the review because spotting security holes is difficult. Even if the design and implementation are public, that is an insufficient condition for spotting security problems. For example, standard committees are usually open in principle but their openness sometimes has barriers that cause the proposed standard not to be reviewed by the right people. To participate in the design of the WiFi Wired Equivalent Privacy standard required committee members to pay a substantial fee, which apparently discouraged security researchers from participating. When the standard was finalized and security researchers began to examine the standard, they immediately found several problems, one of which is described in Section 5.5.2.

    Since it is difficult to keep a secret:

    Minimize secrets

    Because they probably won't remain secret for long.

    Following this principle has the following additional advantage. If the secret is compromised, it must be replaced; if the secret is minimal, then replacing the secret is easier.

    An open design that minimizes secrets doesn’t provide security itself. The primary underpinning of the security of a system is, as was mentioned in Section 5.1, the principle of complete mediation. This principle forces every access to be explicitly authenticated and authorized, including ones for initialization, recovery, shutdown, and maintenance. It implies that a foolproof method of verifying the authenticity of the origin and data of every request must be devised. This principle applies to a service mediating requests, as well as to a kernel mediating supervisor calls and a virtual memory manager mediating a read request for a byte in memory. This principle also implies that proposals for caching results of an authority check should be examined skeptically; if a change in authority occurs, cached results must be updated.

    The human engineering principle of least astonishment applies especially to mediation. The mechanism for authorization should be transparent enough to a user that the user has a good intuitive understanding of how the security goals map to the provided security mechanism. It is essential that the human interface be designed for ease of use, so that users routinely and automatically apply the security mechanisms correctly. For example, a system should provide intuitive, default settings for security mechanisms so that only the appropriate operations are authorized. If a system administrator or user must first configure or jump through hoops to use a security mechanism, the user won't use it. Also, to the extent that the user's mental image of security goals matches the security mechanisms, mistakes will be minimized. If a user must translate intuitive security objectives into a radically different specification language, errors are inevitable. Ideally, security mechanisms should make a user's computer experience better instead of worse.

    Another widely applicable principle, adopt sweeping simplifications, also applies to security. The fewer mechanisms that must be right to ensure protection, the more likely the design will be correct:

    Economy of mechanism

    The less there is, the more likely you will get it right.

    Designing a secure system is difficult because every access path must be considered to ensure complete mediation, including ones that are not exercised during normal operation. As a result, techniques such as line-by-line inspection of software and physical examination of hardware implementing security mechanisms may be necessary. For such techniques to be successful, a small and simple design is essential.

    Reducing the number of mechanisms necessary helps with verifying the security of a computer system. For the ones remaining, it would be ideal if only a few are common to more than one user and depended on by all users because every shared mechanism might provide unintended communication paths between users. Further, any mechanism serving all users must be certified to the satisfaction of every user, a job presumably harder than satisfying only one or a few users. These observations lead to the following security principle:

    Minimize common mechanism

    Shared mechanisms provide unwanted communication paths.

    This principle helps reduce the number of unintended communication paths and reduces the amount of hardware and software on which all users depend, thus making it easier to verify if there are any undesirable security implications. For example, given the choice of implementing a new function as a kernel procedure shared by all users or as a library procedure that can be handled as though it were the user’s own, choose the latter course. Then, if one or a few users are not satisfied with the level of certification of the function, they can provide a substitute or not use it at all. Either way, they can avoid being harmed by a mistake in it. This principle is an end-to-end argument.

    Complete mediation requires that every request be checked for authorization and only authorized requests be approved. It is important that requests are not authorized accidently. The following security principle helps reduce such mistakes:

    Fail-safe defaults

    Most users won't change them, so make sure that defaults do something safe. 

    Access decisions should be based on permission rather than exclusion. This principle means that lack of access should be the default, and the security scheme lists conditions under which access is permitted. This approach exhibits a better failure mode than the alternative approach, where the default is to permit access. A design or implementation mistake in a mechanism that gives explicit permission tends to fail by refusing permission, a safe situation that can be quickly detected. On the other hand, a design or implementation mistake in a mechanism that explicitly excludes access tends to fail by allowing access, a failure that may long go unnoticed in normal use.

    To ensure that complete mediation and fail-safe defaults work well in practice, it is important that programs and users have privileges only when necessary. For example, system programs or administrators who have special privileges should have those privileges only when necessary; when they are doing ordinary activities the privileges should be withdrawn. Leaving them in place just opens the door to accidents. These observations suggest the following security principle:

    Least-privilege principle:

    Don’t store lunch in the safe with the jewels.

    This principle limits the damage that can result from an accident or an error. Also, if fewer programs have special privileges, less code must be audited to verify the security of a system. The military security rule of "need-to-know" is an example of this principle.

    Security experts sometimes use alternative formulations that combine aspects of several principles. For example, the formulation "minimize the attack surface" combines aspects of economy of mechanism (a narrow interface with a simple implementation provides fewer opportunities for designer mistakes and thus provides fewer attack possibilities), minimize secrets (few opportunities to crack secrets), least privilege (run most code with few privileges so that a successful attack does little harm), and minimize common mechanism (reduce the number of opportunities of unintended communication paths).


    A High d(technology)/dt Poses Challenges for Security

    Much software on the Internet and on personal computers fails to follow these principles, even though most of these principles were understood and articulated in the 1970s, before personal computers and the Internet came into existence. The reasons why they weren’t followed are different for the Internet and personal computers, but they illustrate how difficult it is to achieve security when the rate of innovation is high.

    When the Internet was first deployed, software implementations of the cryptographic techniques necessary to authenticate and protect messages (see Section 5.3 and Section 5.4) were considered but would have increased latency to unacceptable levels. Hardware implementations of cryptographic operations at that time were too expensive, and not exportable because the US government enforced rules to limit the use of cryptography. Since the Internet was originally used primarily by academics—a mostly cooperative community—the resulting lack of security was initially not a serious defect.

    In 1994 the Internet was opened to commercial activities. Electronic stores came into existence, and many more computers storing valuable information came online. This development attracted many more adversaries. Suddenly, the designers of the Internet were forced to provide security. Because security was not part of the initial design plan, security mechanisms today have been designed as after-the-fact additions and have been provided in an ad hoc fashion instead of following an overall plan based on established security principles.

    For different historical reasons, most personal computers came with little internal security and only limited stabs at network security. Yet today personal computers are almost always attached to networks where they are vulnerable. Originally, personal computers were designed as stand-alone devices to be used by a single person (that's why they are called personal computers). To keep the cost low, they had essentially no security mechanisms, but because they were used stand-alone, the situation was acceptable. With the arrival of the Internet, the desire to get online exposed their previously benign security problems. Furthermore, because of rapid improvements in technology, personal computers are now the primary platform for all kinds of computing, including most business-related computing. Because personal computers now store valuable information, are attached to networks, and have minimal protection, personal computers have become a prime target for adversaries.

    The designers of the personal computer didn't originally foresee that network access would quickly become a universal requirement. When they later did respond to security concerns, the designers tried to add security mechanism quickly. Just getting the hardware mechanisms right, however, took multiple iterations, both because of blunders and because they were after-the-fact add-ons. Today, designers are still trying to figure out how to retrofit the existing personal-computer software and to configure the default settings right for improved security, while they are also being hit with requirements for improved security to handle denial-of-service attacks, phishing attacks\(^*\), viruses, worms, malware, and adversaries who try to take over machines without being noticed to create botnets (see Sidebar \(\PageIndex{3}\)). As a consequence, there are many ad hoc mechanisms found in the field that don’t follow the models or principles suggested in this chapter. 

    Sidebar \(\PageIndex{3}\)

    Malware: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, logic bombs, bots, etc.

    There is a community of programmers that produces malware, software designed to run on a computer without the computer owner’s intent. Some malware is created as a practical joke, other malware is designed to make money or to sabotage someone; Hafner and Markoff profile a few early high-profile cases of computer break-ins and the perpetrator's motivation\(^*\). More recently, there is an industry in creating malware that silently turns a user’s computer into a bot, a computer controlled by an adversary, which is then used by the adversary to send unsolicited email (spam) on behalf of paying customers, which generates a revenue stream for the adversary [Suggestions for Further Reading 5.6.5].\(^{**}\)

    Malware uses a combinations of techniques to take control of a user’s computer. These techniques include ways to install malware on a user’s computer, ways to arrange that the malware will run on the user’s computer, ways to replicate the malware on other computers, and ways to do perfidious things. Some of the techniques rely on users' naïvete while others rely on innovative ideas to exploit errors in the software running on the user's computer. As an example of both, in 2000 an adversary constructed the "ILOVEYOU" virus, an email message with a malicious executable attachment. The adversary sent the e-mail to a few recipients. When a recipient opened the executable email (attracted by "ILOVEYOU" in the email's subject), the malicious attachment read the recipient's address book and sent itself to the users in the address book. So many users opened the email that it spread rapidly and overwhelmed email servers at many institutions.

    The Morris worm [Suggestions for Further Reading 5.6.1], created in 1984, is an example of malware that relies only on clever ways to exploit errors in software. The worm exploited various weaknesses in remote computers, among them a buffer overrun (see Sidebar \(\)) in an email server (sendmail) running on the UNIX operating system, which allowed it to install and run itself on the compromised computer. There it looked for network addresses of computers in configuration files, and then penetrated those computers, and so on. According to its creator it was not intended to create damage but a design error caused it to effectively create a denial-of-service attack. The worm spread so rapidly, infecting some computers multiple times, that it effectively shut down parts of the Internet.

    The popular jargon attaches colorful labels to describe different types of malware such as virus, worm, Trojan horse, logic bomb, drive-by download, etc., and new ones appear as new types of malware show up. These labels don’t correspond to precise, orthogonal technical concepts, but combine various malware features in different ways. All of them, however, exploit some weakness in the security of a computer, and the techniques described in this chapter are also relevant in containing malware.

    \(^*\) Katie Hafner and John Markoff. Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier. Simon & Schuster (Touchstone), 1991, updated June 1995. ISBN 978–0–671–68322–1 (hardcover), 978–0–684–81862–7 (paperback). 368 pages.

    This book is a readable, yet thorough, account of the scene at the ethical edges of cyberspace: the exploits of Kevin Mitnick, Hans Hubner, and Robert Tappan Morris. It serves as an example of a view from the media, but an unusually well-informed view.

    \(^{**}\) Problem Set 30 explores a potential stamp-based solution.

    \(^*\) Jargon term for an attack in which an adversary lures a victim to Web site controlled by the adver­sary; for an example see Suggestions for Further Reading 5.6.6.  


    Security Model

    Although there are many ways to compromise the security of a system, the conceptual model to secure a system is surprisingly simple. To be secure, a system requires complete mediation: the system must mediate every action requested, including ones to configure and manage the system. The basic security plan then is that for each requested action the agent requesting the operation proves its identity to the system and then the system decides if the agent is allowed to perform that operation.

    This simple model covers a wide range of instances of systems. For example, the agent may be a client in a client/service application, in which case the request is in the form of a message to a service. For another example, the agent may be a thread referring to virtual memory, in which case the request is in the form of a LOAD or STORE to a named memory cell. In each of these cases, the system must establish the identity of the agent and decide whether to perform the request or not. If all requests are mediated correctly, then the job of the adversary becomes much harder. The adversary must compromise the mediation system, launch an insider attack, or is limited to denial-of-service attacks.

    The rest of this section works out the mediation model in more detail, and illustrates it with various examples. Of course a simple conceptual model cannot cover all attacks and all details. And, unfortunately, in security, the devil is often in the details of the implementation: does the system intended to be secure implement the model for all its operations and is the implementation correct? Nevertheless, the model is helpful in framing many security problems and then addressing them.

    Agents perform on behalf of some entity that corresponds to a person outside the computer system; we call the representation of such an entity inside the computer system a principal. The principal is the unit of authorization in a computer system, and therefore also the unit of accountability and responsibility. Using these terms, mediating an action is asking the question, "Is the principal who requested the action authorized to perform the action?"

    The basic approach to mediating every requested action is to ensure that there is really only one way to request an action. Conceptually, we want to build a wall around the system with one small opening through which all requested actions pass. Then, for every requested action, the system must answer "Should I perform the action?". To do so a system is typically decomposed in two parts: one part, called a guard, that specializes in deciding the answer to the question and a second part that performs the action. (In the literature, a guard that provides complete mediation is usually called a reference monitor.)

    The guard can clarify the question, "Is the principal who originated the requested action allowed to perform the action?" by obtaining answers to the three subquestions of complete mediation (see Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\)). The guard verifies that the message containing the request is authentic (i.e., the request hasn’t been modified and that the principal is indeed the source of the request), and that the principal is permitted to perform the requested action on the object (authorization). If so, the guard allows the action; otherwise, it denies the request. The guard also logs all decisions for later audits.

    A principal sends a request to a computer system to perform an action. In the computer system, a guard checks both an authentication module and an authorization module; if both results are OK, the guard allows the system to perform the action. All decisions made by the guard are recorded in a log to provide an audit trail.

    Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\):  The security model based on complete mediation. The authenticity question includes both verifying the integrity and the source of the request.

    The first two (has the request been modified and what is the source of the request) of the three mediation questions fall in the province of authentication of the request. Using an authentication service, the guard verifies the identity of the principal. Using additional information, sometimes part of the request but sometimes communicated separately, the guard verifies the integrity of the request. After answering the authenticity questions, the guard knows who the principal associated with the request is and that no adversary has modified the request.

    The third and final question falls in the province of authorization. An authorization service allows principals to specify which objects they share with whom. Once the guard has securely established the identity of the principal associated with the request using the authentication service, the guard verifies with the authorization service that the principal has the appropriate authorization, and, if so, allows the requested service to perform the requested action.

    The guard approach of complete mediation applies broadly to computer systems. Whether the messages are Web requests for an Internet store, LOAD and STORE operations to memory, or supervisor calls for the kernel, in all cases the same three questions must be answered by the Web service, virtual memory manager, or kernel, respectively. The implementation of the mechanisms for mediation, however, might be quite different for each case.

    Consider an online newspaper. The newspaper service may restrict certain articles to paying subscribers and therefore must authenticate users and authorize requests, which often work as follows. The Web browser sends requests on behalf of an Internet user to the newspaper's Web server. The guard uses the principal's subscriber number and an authenticator (e.g., a password) included in the requests to authenticate the principal associated with the requests. If the principal is a legitimate subscriber and has authorization to read the requested article, the guard allows the request and the server replies with the article. Because the Internet is untrusted, the communications between the Web browser and the server must be protected; otherwise, an adversary can, for example, obtain the subscriber's password. Using cryptography one can create a secure channel that protects the communications over an untrusted network. Cryptography is a branch of computer science that designs primitives such as ciphers, pseudorandom number generators, and hashes, which can be used to protect messages against a wide range of attacks.

    As another example, consider a virtual memory system with one domain per thread. In this case, the processor issues (LOAD and STORE) instructions on behalf of a thread to a virtual memory manager, which checks if the addresses in the instructions fall in the thread's domain. Conceptually, the processor sends a message across a bus, containing the operation (LOAD or STORE) and the requested address. This message is accompanied with a principal identifier naming the thread. If the bus is a trusted communication link, then the message doesn’t have to be protected. If the bus isn't a secure channel (e.g., a digital rights management application may want to protect against an owner snooping on the bus to steal the copyrighted content), then the message between the processor and memory might be protected using cryptographic techniques. The virtual memory manager plays the role of a guard. It uses the thread identifier to verify if the address falls in the thread’s domain and if the thread is authorized to perform the operation. If so, the guard allows the requested operation, and virtual memory manager replies by reading and writing the requested memory location.

    Even if the mechanisms for complete mediation are implemented perfectly (i.e., there are no design and implementation errors in the cryptography, password checker, the virtual memory manager, the kernel, etc.), a system may still leave opportunities for an adversary to break the security of the system. The adversary may be able to circumvent the guard, or launch an insider attack, or overload the system with requests for actions, thus delaying or even denying legitimate principals access. A designer must be prepared for these cases—an example of the paranoid design attitude. We discusses these cases in more detail.

    To circumvent the guard, the adversary might create or find another opening in the system. A simple opening for an adversary might be a dial-up modem line that is not mediated. If the adversary finds the phone number (and perhaps the password to dial in), the adversary can gain control over the service. A more sophisticated way to create an opening is a buffer overrun attack on services written in the C programming language (see Sidebar \(\PageIndex{4}\)), which causes the service to execute a program under the control of the adversary, which then creates an interface for the adversary that is not checked by the system.

    Sidebar \(\PageIndex{4}\)

    Why are buffer overrun bugs so common?

    It has become disappointingly common to hear a news report that a new Internet worm is rapidly spreading, and a little research on the World-Wide Web usually turns up as one detail that the worm exploits a buffer overrun bug. The reason that buffer overrun bugs are so common is that some widely used programming languages (in particular, C and C++) do not routinely check array bounds. When those languages are used, array bounds checking must be explicitly provided by the programmer. The reason that buffer overrun bugs are so easily exploited arises from an unintentional conspiracy of common system design and implementation practices that allow a buffer overrun to modify critical memory cells.

    1. Compilers usually allocate space to store arrays as contiguous memory cells, with the first element at some starting address and successive elements at higher-numbered addresses.
    2. Since there usually isn't any hardware support for doing anything different, most operating systems allocate a single, contiguous block of address space for a program and its data. The addresses may be either physical or virtual, but the important thing is that the programming environment is a single, contiguous block of memory addresses.
    3. Faced with this single block of memory, programming support systems typically suballocate the address block into three regions: They place the program code in low-numbered addresses, they place static storage (the heap) just above those low-numbered addresses, and they start the stack at the highest-numbered address and grow it down, using lower addresses, toward the heap.

    These three design practices, when combined with lack of automatic bounds checking, set the stage for exploitation. For example, historically it has been common for programs written in the C language to use library programs such as

    GETS (character array reference string_buffer)

    rather than a more elaborate version of the same program

    FGETS (character array reference string_buffer, integer string_length, file stream)

    to move character string data from an incoming stream to a local array, identified by the memory address of string_buffer. The important difference is that GETS reads characters until it encounters a new-line character or end of file, while FGETS adds an additional stop condition: it stops after reading string_length characters, thus providing an explicit array bound check. Using GETS rather than FGETS is an example of Gabriel's Worse is Better: "it is slightly better to be simple than to be correct." [Suggestions for Further Reading 1.5.1]

    A program that is listening on some Internet port for incoming messages allocates a string_buffer of size 30 characters, to hold a field from the message, knowing that that field should never be larger. It copies data of the message from the port into string_buffer , using GETS. An adversary prepares and sends a message in which that field contains a string of, say, 250 characters. GETS overruns string_buffer .

    Because of the compiler practice of placing successive array elements of string_buffer in higher-numbered addresses, if the program placed string_buffer in the stack the overrun overwrites cells in the stack that have higher-numbered addresses. But because the stack grows toward lower-numbered addresses, the cells overwritten by the buffer overrun are all older variables, allocated before string_buffer . Typically, an important older variable is the one that holds the return point of the currently running procedure, so the return point is vulnerable. A common exploit is thus to include runnable code in the 250-character string and, knowing stack offsets, smash the return point stack variable to contain the address of that code. Then, when the thread returns from the current procedure, it unwittingly transfers control to the adversary’s code.

    By now, many such simple vulnerabilities have been discovered and fixed. But exploiting buffer overruns is not limited to smashing return points in the stack. Any writable variable that contains a jump address and that is located adjacent to a buffer in the stack or the heap may be vulnerable to an overrun of that buffer. The next time that the running thread uses that jump address, the adversary gains control of that thread. The adversary may not even have to supply executable code if he or she can cause the jump to go to some existing code such as a library routine that, with a suitable argument value, can be made to do something bad [Suggestions for Further Reading 11.6.2]. Such attacks require detailed knowledge of the layout and code generation methods used by the compiler on the system being attacked, but adversaries can readily discover that information by examining their own systems at leisure. Problem set \(49\) explores some of these attacks.

    From that discussion one can draw several lessons that invoke security design principles:

    1. The root cause of buffer overruns is the use of programming languages that do not provide the fail-safe default of automatically checking all array references to verify that they do not exceed the space allocated for the array.
    2. Be explicit. One can interpret the problem with GETS to be that it relies on its context, rather than the program, to tell it exactly what to do. When the context contains contradictions (a string of one size, a buffer of another size) or ambiguities, the library routine may resolve them in an unexpected way. There is a trade-off between convenience and explicitness in programming languages. When security is the goal, a programming language that requires that the programmer be explicit is probably safer.
    3. Hardware architecture features can help minimize the impact of common programming errors, and thus make it harder for an adversary to exploit them. Consider, for example, an architecture that provides distinct, hardware-enforced memory segments, using one segment for program code, a second segment for the heap, and a third segment for the stack. Since different segments can have different read, write, and execute permissions, the stack and heap segments might disallow executable instructions, while the program area disallows writing. The principle of least privilege suggests that no region of memory should be simultaneously writable and executable. If all buffers are in segments that are not executable, an adversary would find it more difficult to deposit code in the execution environment. Instead, the adversary may have to resort to methods that exploit code already in that execution environment. Even better might be to place each buffer in a separate segment, thus using the hardware to check array bounds.

      Hardware for Multics [Suggestions for Further Reading 3.1.4 and 5.4.1], a system implemented in the 1960s, provided segments. The Multics kernel followed the principle of least privilege in setting up permissions, and the observed result was that addressing errors were virtually always caught by the hardware at the instant they occurred, rather than leading to a later system meltdown. Designers of currently common hardware platforms have recently modified the memory management unit of these platforms to provide similar features, and today’s popular operating systems are using the features to provide better protection.
    4. Storing a jump address in the midst of writable data is hazardous because it is hard to protect it against either programming errors or intentional attacks. If an adversary can control the value of a jump address, there is likely to be some way that the adversary can exploit it to gain control of the thread. Complete mediation suggests that all such jump values should be validated before being used. Designers have devised schemes to try to provide at least partial validation. An example of such a scheme is to store an unpredictable nonce value (a "canary") adjacent to the memory cell that holds the jump address and, before using the jump address, verify that the canary is intact by comparing it with a copy stored elsewhere. Many similar schemes have been devised, but it is hard to devise one that is foolproof. For the most part these schemes do not prevent exploits, they just make the adversary's job harder.

    As examples of insider attacks, the adversary may be able to guess a principal's password, may be able to bribe a principal to act on the adversary's behalf, or may be able to trick the principal to run the adversary's program on the principal's computer with the principal's privileges (e.g., the principal opens an executable email attachment sent by the adversary). Or, the adversary may be a legitimate principal who is disgruntled.

    Measures against badly behaving principals are also the final line of defense against adversaries who successfully break the security of the system, thus appearing to be legitimate users. The measures include (1) running every requested operation with the least privilege because that minimizes damage that a legitimate principal can do, (2) maintaining an audit trail, of the mediation decisions made for every operation, (3) making copies and archiving data in secure places, and (4) periodically manually reviewing which principals should continue to have access and with what privileges. Of course, the archived data and the audit trail must be maintained securely; an adversary must not be able to modify the archived data or the audit trail. Measures to secure archives and audit trails include designing them to be write once and append-only.

    An adversary's goal may be just to deny service to other users. To achieve this goal an adversary could flood a communication link with requests that take enough time of the service that it is unavailable for other users. The challenge in handling a denial-of-service attack is that the messages sent by the adversary may be legitimate requests and the adversary may use many computers to send these legitimate requests (see Suggestions for Further Reading 5.6.4 for an example). There is no single technique that can address denial-of-service attacks. Solutions typically involve several ideas: audit messages to be able to detect and filter bad traffic before it reaches the service, careful design of services to control the resources dedicated to a request and to push work back to the clients, and replicating services (see Section 4.4) to keep the service available during an attack. By replicating the service, an adversary must flood multiple replicas to make the service unavailable. This attack may require so many messages that with careful analysis of audit trails it becomes possible to track down the adversary.


    Trusted Computing Base

    Implementing the security model of Section 5.2.6 is a negative goal, and therefore difficult. There are no methods to verify correctness of an implementation that is claimed to achieve a negative goal. So, how do we proceed? The basic idea is to minimize the number of mechanisms that need to be correct in order for the system to be secure—the economy of mechanism principle, and to follow the safety net approach (be explicit and design for iteration).

    When designing a secure system, we organize the system into two kinds of modules: untrusted modules and trusted modules. The correctness of the untrusted modules does not affect the security of the whole system. The trusted modules are the part that must work correctly to make the system secure. Ideally, we want the trusted modules to be usable by other untrusted modules, so that the designer of a new module doesn’t have to worry about getting the trusted modules right. The collection of trusted modules is usually called the trusted computing base (TCB).

    Establishing whether or not a module is part of the TCB can be difficult. Looking at an individual module, there isn't any simple procedure to decide whether or not the system's security depends on the correct operation of that module. For example, in UNIX if a module runs on behalf of the superuser principal (see Section 5.7.3), it is likely to be part of the TCB because if the adversary compromises the module, the adversary has full privileges. If the same module runs on behalf of a regular principal, it is often not part of the trusted computing base because it cannot perform privileged operations. But even then the module could be part of the TCB; it may be part of a user-level service (e.g., a Web service) that makes decisions about which clients have access. An error in the module’s code may allow an adversary to obtain unauthorized access.

    Lacking a systematic decision procedure for deciding if a module is in the TCB, the decision is difficult to make and easy to get wrong, yet a good division is important. A bad division between trusted and untrusted modules may result in a large and complex TCB, making it difficult to reason about the security of the system. If the TCB is large, it also means that ordinary users can make only few changes because ordinary users should only change modules outside the TCB that don’t impact security. If ordinary users can change the system in only limited ways, it may make it difficult for them to get their job done in an effective way and result in bad user experiences. A large TCB also means that much of the system can be modified by only trusted principals, limiting the rate at which the system can evolve. The design principles of Section 5.2.4 can guide this part of the design process, but typically the division must be worked out by security experts.

    Once the split has been worked out, the challenge becomes one of designing and implementing a TCB. To be successful at this challenge, we want to work in a way that maximizes the chance that the design and implementation of the TCB are correct. To do so, we want to minimize the chance of errors and maximize the rate of discovery of errors. To achieve the first goal, we should minimize the size of the TCB. To achieve the second goal, the design process should include feedback so that we will find errors quickly.

    The following method shows how to build such a TCB:

    • Specify security requirements for the TCB (e.g., secure communication over untrusted networks). The main reason for this step is to explicitly specify assumptions so that we can decide if the assumptions are credible. As part of the requirements, one also specifies the attacks against which the TCB is protected so that the security risks are assessable. By specifying what the TCB does and does not do, we know against which kinds of attacks we are protected and to which kinds we are vulnerable.
    • Design a minimal TCB. Use good tools (such as authentication logic, which we will discuss in Section 5.6) to express the design.
    • Implement the TCB. It is again important to use good tools. For example, buffer-overrun attacks can be avoided by using a language that checks array bounds.
    • Run the TCB and try to break the security.

    The hard part in this multistep design method is verifying that the steps are consistent: verifying that the design meets the specification, verifying that the design is resistant to the specified attacks, verifying that the implementation matches the design, and verifying that the system running in the computer is the one that was actually implemented. For example, as Thompson has demonstrated, it is easy for an adversary with compiler expertise to insert a Trojan Horses into a system that is difficult to detect [Suggestions for Further Reading 5.3.3 and 5.3.4].

    The problem in computer security is typically not one of inventing clever mechanisms and architectures, but rather one of ensuring that the installed system actually meets the design requirements in implementation. Performing such an end-to-end check is difficult. For example, it is common to hire a tiger team whose mission is to find loopholes that could be exploited to break the security of the system. The tiger team may be able to find some loopholes, but, unfortunately, cannot provide a guarantee that all loopholes have been found.

    The method also clearly states what risks were considered acceptable when the system was designed, because the prospective user must be able to look at the specification to evaluate whether the system meets the requirements. Stating what risks are acceptable is important because much of the design of secure systems is driven by economic constraints. Users may consider a security risk acceptable if the cost of a security failure is small compared to designing a system that negates the risk.


    The Road Map for this Chapter

    The rest of this chapter follows the security model of Figure \(\PageIndex{2}\). Section 5.3 presents techniques for authenticating principals. Section 5.4 explains how to authenticate messages by using a pair of procedures named SIGN and VERIFY. Section 5.5 explains how to keep messages confidential using a pair of procedures named ENCRYPT and DECRYPT. Section 5.6 explains how to set up, for example, an authenticated and secure communication link using security protocols. Section 5.7 discusses different designs for an authorization service. Because authentication is the foundation of security, Section 5.8 discusses how to reason about authenticating principals systematically. The actual implementation of SIGN, VERIFY, ENCRYPT, and DECRYPT we outsource to theoreticians specialized in cryptography, but a brief summary of how to implement SIGN, VERIFY, ENCRYPT, and DECRYPT is provided in Section 5.9. The case study in Section 5.11 provides a complete example of the techniques discussed in this chapter by describing how authentication and authorization is done in the World-Wide Web. Finally, Section 5.12 concludes the chapter with war stories of security failures, despite the best intentions of the designers; these stories emphasize how difficult it is to achieve a negative goal.

    This page titled 5.2: Introduction to Secure Systems is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Jerome H. Saltzer & M. Frans Kaashoek (MIT OpenCourseWare) .

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