Embedded Controllers Using C and Arduino (Fiore)
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This text is designed to introduce and expand upon material related to the C programming language and embedded controllers, and specifically, the Arduino development system and associated Atmel ATmega microcontrollers. It is intended to fit the time constraints of a typical 3 to 4 credit hour course for electrical engineering technology and computer engineering technology programs, although it could also fit the needs of a hardware-oriented course in computer science. As such, the text does not attempt to cover every aspect of the C language, the Arduino system or Atmel AVR microcontrollers. The first section deals with the C language itself. It is assumed that the student is a relative newcomer to the C language but has some experience with another high level language, for example, Python. This means concepts such as conditionals and iteration are already familiar and the student can get up and running fairly quickly. From there, the Arduino development environment is examined. Unlike the myriad Arduino books now available, this text does not simply rely on the Arduino libraries. As convenient as the libraries may be, there are other, sometimes far more efficient, ways of programming the boards. Many of the chapters examine library source code to see “what's under the hood”. This more generic approach means it will be easier for the student to use other processors and development systems instead of being tightly tied to one platform.
Front Matter
1: Course Introduction
2: C Memory Organization
3: C Language Basics
4: C Basics II
5: C Storage Types and Scope
6: C Arrays and Strings
7: C Conditionals and Looping
8: C Pointers and Addresses
9: C Look-up Tables
10: C Structures
11: C Linked Lists
12: C Memory
13: C File IO
14: C Command Line Args and More
15: Embedded Programming
16: Hardware Architecture
17: AVR ATmega 328P Overview
18: Bits and Pieces — include and define
19: Bits and Pieces — Digital Output Circuitry
20: Bits and Pieces — Digital Input Circuitry
21: Bits and Pieces — pinMode()
22: Bits and Pieces — digitalWrite()
23: Bits and Pieces — delay()
24: Bits and Pieces — digitalRead()
25: Bits and Pieces — Analog Input Circuitry
26: Bits and Pieces — analogRead()
27: Bits and Pieces — analogWrite()
28: Bits and Pieces — Timer/Counters
29: Bits and Pieces — Interrupts
30: Appendix A
31: Appendix B — Answers to Selected Problems
Back Matter
Thumbnail photos by Daniel Andrade on Unsplash.